About African Diaspora, 1860-Present

After the abolition of slavery, African diasporic communities formed throughout the world. The circumstances and histories of the establishment of each community were quite different, and as a result, the experiences, cultures and ideologies of the members of these communities vary significantly.

African Diaspora, 1860-present brings these communities to life through never-before digitized primary source documents, secondary sources and videos from around the world with a focus on communities in the Caribbean, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, and France. With content from key partners like The National Archives and Records Administration (US), National Archives at Kew (UK), Royal Anthropological Institute, and Senate House Library (University of London), this first release of African Diaspora, 1860-Present offers an unparalleled view into the experiences and contributions of individuals in the Diaspora, as told through their own accounts. Future releases will include further insights into African diasporic communities with the papers of C.L.R. James, the writings of George Padmore and many more sources.

Major themes include:

  • Migrations of people of African descent to countries around the world, from the 19th century to present day.
  • Diasporic communities including Afro-Brazilian communities in Rio de Janeiro, Black British communities in London, Sidi communities in India, Afro-Caribbean communities in Trinidad, Haiti, and Cuba.
  • Movements and ideologies, including the Back to Africa movement and the Pan-African movement.

Editorial Board

Patrick Manning (University of Pittsburgh)

Jennifer Thompson (College of the Canyons)

Chris McAuley (University of California, Santa Barbara)

William Ackah (Birkbeck, University of London)


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