About This Collection

The world’s population is aging. While medical research into aging is long established, research into its societal impact is still underdeveloped. In response to this, Aging in the Modern World provides a rich, multi-media exploration of global aging complexities, offering diverse cultural perspectives, personal narratives, and scholarly insights from 1900 to 2020. Through its coverage of government approaches, societal attitudes, and key themes like ageism and technological innovations, it serves as an invaluable resource for understanding and addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with the aging population worldwide.


The collection serves scholars in: 

Anthropology / Demography / Economics / Gerontology / Healthcare Studies / History & Cultural Studies / Law and Human Rights / Political Science / Psychology / Public Policy & Administration / Social Work / Sociology / Urban Studies & Planning.


The collection launched at 40% in November 2024, and aims to close with 100% content over the next year. 


Beyond the Featured Topics, other themes include:

Age and Discrimination

Age and Ethnicity

Age and The Media

Age and Beauty


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