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Bow Strings of Enemy Weakened by Rain
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 2 page(s)
Handwritten note on unlined note card titled "Bow strings of enemy weakened by rain (sinews)." A citation is given to "Zuni Folk Tales," Frank H. Cushing (1901). Undated.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 2 page(s)
Handwritten note on unlined note card titled "Bow strings of enemy weakened by rain (sinews)." A citation is given to "Zuni Folk Tales," Frank H. Cushing (1901). Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Box Boat
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 3 page(s)
Three undated half-pages, typed and hand-written, headed "Box boat," contain bibliographical references to variations on a common myth by certain tribes, including the Apache and the Hopi.
Open Access
Three undated half-pages, typed and hand-written, headed "Box boat," contain bibliographical references to variations on a common myth by certain tribes, including the Apache and the Hopi.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Pima, Hopi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Box Navigation
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 2 page(s)
These extensive handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of two lined note cards, titled "Box Navigation," contain information about Zuni, Jicarilla, Navajo, and Ute myths having the theme of the protagonist creating a box to use as a boat. Citations include "Jicarilla Apache Texts," Pliny Earle…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 2 page(s)
These extensive handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of two lined note cards, titled "Box Navigation," contain information about Zuni, Jicarilla, Navajo, and Ute myths having the theme of the protagonist creating a box to use as a boat. Citations include "Jicarilla Apache Texts," Pliny Earle Goddard, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 8, p. 150. Additional citations are listed.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Ute, Navajo, Jicarilla, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Box Navigation
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on San Carlos Apache myths cite Pliny Earle Goddard, Myths and Tales from the San Carlos Apache (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 24), p. 28. Keywords include: old woman; metate; muller; judges water; 'bok.' Undated.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on San Carlos Apache myths cite Pliny Earle Goddard, Myths and Tales from the San Carlos Apache (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 24), p. 28. Keywords include: old woman; metate; muller; judges water; 'bok.' Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Box navigation
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten citation note written on an unlined white paper titled, 'Box navigation.' Notes include a discussion of the Hopi myth regarding the youngest brother journeying in search of a wife. The youngest brother asks the sun for help and is told to place four prayer sticks on water. He is then told not to go…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten citation note written on an unlined white paper titled, 'Box navigation.' Notes include a discussion of the Hopi myth regarding the youngest brother journeying in search of a wife. The youngest brother asks the sun for help and is told to place four prayer sticks on water. He is then told not to go ashore until asked by rattlesnake. He is then told to follow an old man who has a withered mouth under his nose. Old man tells him to cut…
Handwritten citation note written on an unlined white paper titled, 'Box navigation.' Notes include a discussion of the Hopi myth regarding the youngest brother journeying in search of a wife. The youngest brother asks the sun for help and is told to place four prayer sticks on water. He is then told not to go ashore until asked by rattlesnake. He is then told to follow an old man who has a withered mouth under his nose. Old man tells him to cut his skin from his eyes down, the length of prayer stick. Keywords include: young man, snake dance, snake, beautiful dances, rain power, wife guides, willow, stick. Show more Show less
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
See details
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 8 page(s)
Date: Unknown. Typewritten and (mostly) handwritten Zuni and Hopi mythology notes on index cards. These notes refer to Box-boat, corn brothers, rattlesnakes, rain power, snake children.
Open Access
Date: Unknown. Typewritten and (mostly) handwritten Zuni and Hopi mythology notes on index cards. These notes refer to Box-boat, corn brothers, rattlesnakes, rain power, snake children.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Hopi, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
See details
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined piece of paper, titled "Box-nav[igation]," contain information about an Aztec myth as related in "Historia General de las Cosas de la Nueva España," Bernardino de Sahagún. In this tale, Quetzalcoatl makes himself a raft with adders and floats on the sea.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined piece of paper, titled "Box-nav[igation]," contain information about an Aztec myth as related in "Historia General de las Cosas de la Nueva España," Bernardino de Sahagún. In this tale, Quetzalcoatl makes himself a raft with adders and floats on the sea.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Sailing, Aztecs
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Box-navigation of Culture Hero
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 2 page(s)
These detailed, handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of an unlined note card, titled "Box-navigation of culture hero," contain information about American Indian myths using this theme. Tribes mentioned include the Hopi, Zuni, Pima, and Navajo. Brief citations are given. The Hopi notes mention…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 2 page(s)
These detailed, handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of an unlined note card, titled "Box-navigation of culture hero," contain information about American Indian myths using this theme. Tribes mentioned include the Hopi, Zuni, Pima, and Navajo. Brief citations are given. The Hopi notes mention the Snake ceremony, as well as water, Grand Canyon, and Spider Woman. The Zuni myth uses a hollowed tree for a trip down the river…
These detailed, handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of an unlined note card, titled "Box-navigation of culture hero," contain information about American Indian myths using this theme. Tribes mentioned include the Hopi, Zuni, Pima, and Navajo. Brief citations are given. The Hopi notes mention the Snake ceremony, as well as water, Grand Canyon, and Spider Woman. The Zuni myth uses a hollowed tree for a trip down the river. The Navajo myth describes the origin of boats. Show more Show less
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Navajo, Pima, Zuni, Hopi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Boy Drips Candle
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Boy Drips Candle," contain information about a folk tale as related in "Folk-Tales of Andros Island, Bahamas," Elsie Clews Parsons, Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society, Vol. 13, p. 127. In this story, a fisherman jumps after a fish…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Boy Drips Candle," contain information about a folk tale as related in "Folk-Tales of Andros Island, Bahamas," Elsie Clews Parsons, Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society, Vol. 13, p. 127. In this story, a fisherman jumps after a fish and lands on an island with an enchanted house and a beautiful woman, "Maddy Glassker." A melted candle falls on the woman, and she and…
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Boy Drips Candle," contain information about a folk tale as related in "Folk-Tales of Andros Island, Bahamas," Elsie Clews Parsons, Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society, Vol. 13, p. 127. In this story, a fisherman jumps after a fish and lands on an island with an enchanted house and a beautiful woman, "Maddy Glassker." A melted candle falls on the woman, and she and the house disappear. Show more Show less
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Person Discussed
Elsie Clews Parsons, 1875-1941
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Boy hunter's series
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 3 page(s)
This is a set of three handwritten note cards containing brief ideas and references.
Open Access
This is a set of three handwritten note cards containing brief ideas and references.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson