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Corué[?] Misinterpreted
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 2 page(s)
Handwritten note cites Franz Boas, 'Tsimshian Mythology' in 'Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology,' Vol. 31, p. 75, and Boas, 'Tsimshian Texts' in 'Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology,' No. 27, p. 42. Also mentions 'JE - Magic Formulas in wider sense here' and 'Cil throw selves from high tree, say …
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 2 page(s)
Handwritten note cites Franz Boas, 'Tsimshian Mythology' in 'Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology,' Vol. 31, p. 75, and Boas, 'Tsimshian Texts' in 'Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology,' No. 27, p. 42. Also mentions 'JE - Magic Formulas in wider sense here' and 'Cil throw selves from high tree, say 'high piles of blubber.'' Additional notes reference Gray's Harbor: Transformer cut open monster killed in lake by hot stones and out…
Handwritten note cites Franz Boas, 'Tsimshian Mythology' in 'Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology,' Vol. 31, p. 75, and Boas, 'Tsimshian Texts' in 'Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology,' No. 27, p. 42. Also mentions 'JE - Magic Formulas in wider sense here' and 'Cil throw selves from high tree, say 'high piles of blubber.'' Additional notes reference Gray's Harbor: Transformer cut open monster killed in lake by hot stones and out came Coyote. Coyote tells the transformer to rub his skin and make balls; the skin will become new people. Upper Chehalis - transformer, trickster. Undated.
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Date Written / Recorded
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Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Person Discussed
Franz Boas, 1858-1942
Topic / Theme
Upper Chehalis, Tsimshian
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 3 page(s)
Typewritten notes on two lined note cards titled "Cosmology," re: indigenous beliefs about the spiritual world and deities. Discusses fears as embodied in myth, how cosmology influences world-view, and beliefs of Bella Coola. Page 2 [likely reverse of page 1] has handwritten notes with references to S. Nigeria…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 3 page(s)
Typewritten notes on two lined note cards titled "Cosmology," re: indigenous beliefs about the spiritual world and deities. Discusses fears as embodied in myth, how cosmology influences world-view, and beliefs of Bella Coola. Page 2 [likely reverse of page 1] has handwritten notes with references to S. Nigeria. Citations included. Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Deities, Bella Coola, Nigerians (Nigeria)
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 7. Southwest Notes) (1923) , 2 page(s)
A small piece of paper contains hand-written notes on both sides describing typical dress of a woman and a man, apparently as described in two passages by Elsie C. Parsons: 'Rabbit hunters' and 'Turkey's bets.' Terms include: dress (yatonane); chinine belt; leggings; moccasins; slip; men's high leggings …
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 7. Southwest Notes) (1923) , 2 page(s)
A small piece of paper contains hand-written notes on both sides describing typical dress of a woman and a man, apparently as described in two passages by Elsie C. Parsons: 'Rabbit hunters' and 'Turkey's bets.' Terms include: dress (yatonane); chinine belt; leggings; moccasins; slip; men's high leggings (kyechialawe); parrot feathers; klian.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Apparel, Hopi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten Zuñi notes on an unlined sheet of paper regarding costumes.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten Zuñi notes on an unlined sheet of paper regarding costumes.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Council 1-6
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 19. Southwest Notes) (1929) , 4 page(s)
Four pages contain hand-written notes on councils, ceremonies and clans of Pueblo Indians. They include: a description of a tribal council and its participants; a diagram of the ceremonial organization at Cochiti Pueblo; a chart of clans, kivas and ceremonies at the Hopi pueblos of Walpi and Sichumovi, with…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 19. Southwest Notes) (1929) , 4 page(s)
Four pages contain hand-written notes on councils, ceremonies and clans of Pueblo Indians. They include: a description of a tribal council and its participants; a diagram of the ceremonial organization at Cochiti Pueblo; a chart of clans, kivas and ceremonies at the Hopi pueblos of Walpi and Sichumovi, with references to Elsie Parsons and Edward S. Curtis.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Religious rites and ceremonies, Government councils, Clans, Keresan, Hopi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Coup - Reciting Deeds of
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 7. Southwest Notes) (1928) , 1 page(s)
A lined index card contains brief bibliographical references to an unspecified work or works having to do with the Dakota Indian tribes. The name 'Walker' may be an author or possibly a reference to a town on an Ojibwe reservation in Minnesota. There are references to: Those who ascend tree (lodge pole) before it…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 7. Southwest Notes) (1928) , 1 page(s)
A lined index card contains brief bibliographical references to an unspecified work or works having to do with the Dakota Indian tribes. The name 'Walker' may be an author or possibly a reference to a town on an Ojibwe reservation in Minnesota. There are references to: Those who ascend tree (lodge pole) before it is carved; those who pierce ears of children; those who are the 'captors' of time and undergo torture.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Courting Story
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes cite Elsie Clews Parsons, Pueblo-Indian Folk-Tales, Probably of Spanish Provenience (Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 31), p. 241-243. Keywords include: 'The Two Beetles'; water serpents; magic papers; hat and moccasins of invisibility; contest for wives. Undated.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes cite Elsie Clews Parsons, Pueblo-Indian Folk-Tales, Probably of Spanish Provenience (Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 31), p. 241-243. Keywords include: 'The Two Beetles'; water serpents; magic papers; hat and moccasins of invisibility; contest for wives. Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Courting story, Spanish
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1924) , 2 page(s)
Typed notes on an unlined paper regarding a Spanish courting story. In the story, the king imposes a series of tests on suitors before allowing his daughter to marry. Note includes a reference to the citation, 'Zuni Boas JAFL 35.76.'
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1924) , 2 page(s)
Typed notes on an unlined paper regarding a Spanish courting story. In the story, the king imposes a series of tests on suitors before allowing his daughter to marry. Note includes a reference to the citation, 'Zuni Boas JAFL 35.76.'
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Courtship customs
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
[Courtings] in Hamlet
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 20. Indian Mythology, Ethics -- Notes) (1929) , 4 page(s)
Four pages of notebook paper, turned sideways, contain a hand-written, barely legible essay having to do with Shakespeare's play 'Hamlet,' which Benedict has explored before in writing about cultural relativity. She discusses 'passion' relative to the characters Hamlet and Ophelia, and describes Hamlet as a …
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 20. Indian Mythology, Ethics -- Notes) (1929) , 4 page(s)
Four pages of notebook paper, turned sideways, contain a hand-written, barely legible essay having to do with Shakespeare's play 'Hamlet,' which Benedict has explored before in writing about cultural relativity. She discusses 'passion' relative to the characters Hamlet and Ophelia, and describes Hamlet as a 'conscious rebel' who 'calls himself names to force himself along a course that is empty of meaning to him ...' The fourth page contains…
Four pages of notebook paper, turned sideways, contain a hand-written, barely legible essay having to do with Shakespeare's play 'Hamlet,' which Benedict has explored before in writing about cultural relativity. She discusses 'passion' relative to the characters Hamlet and Ophelia, and describes Hamlet as a 'conscious rebel' who 'calls himself names to force himself along a course that is empty of meaning to him ...' The fourth page contains several brief quotes from the play, most by Hamlet himself. Given the orientation of the pages, the essay is written crosswise to the lines on the paper.
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Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten citation note regarding courtship. Keyword included: Tewa.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten citation note regarding courtship. Keyword included: Tewa.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson