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Abstract - The Twin Children of Cloud
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 80], Folder 15. Pima Mythology - Coyotes Make War Against the Sun) (1927) , 1 page(s)
Date Unknown. Typewritten abstract of Pima mythology citing Blackwater. This myth refers to the Twin Children of Cloud, rain, Black Cloud, Red Cloud, Gray Cloud, White Cloud.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 80], Folder 15. Pima Mythology - Coyotes Make War Against the Sun) (1927) , 1 page(s)
Date Unknown. Typewritten abstract of Pima mythology citing Blackwater. This myth refers to the Twin Children of Cloud, rain, Black Cloud, Red Cloud, Gray Cloud, White Cloud.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Pima
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Abstracts of Tales: Sapir Takelma
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 93], Folder 1. Concordance for Shoshone Folklore -- Notes) (1935) , 7 page(s)
Typewritten research notes, on unlined paper, titled "Abstracts of Tales: Sapir Takelma," summarizing thirteen of the fifteen folktales in "Takelma Texts, Volume 2, Number 1" by Edward Sapir (1909). The stories all feature animals, mainly focusing on Coyote. Undated.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 93], Folder 1. Concordance for Shoshone Folklore -- Notes) (1935) , 7 page(s)
Typewritten research notes, on unlined paper, titled "Abstracts of Tales: Sapir Takelma," summarizing thirteen of the fifteen folktales in "Takelma Texts, Volume 2, Number 1" by Edward Sapir (1909). The stories all feature animals, mainly focusing on Coyote. Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Person Discussed
Edward Sapir, 1884-1939
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Account of Origins of the International Council of Women of Darker Races, November 10, 1924
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written by Margaret Murray Washington, 1865-1925, in Mary Church Terrell Papers, of Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Box 102-12, folder 238, Moorland-Springarn Research Center, Washington, D.C.) (District of Columbia) (1924) , 2 page(s)
written by Margaret Murray Washington, 1865-1925, in Mary Church Terrell Papers, of Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Box 102-12, folder 238, Moorland-Springarn Research Center, Washington, D.C.) (District of Columbia) (1924) , 2 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Government/institutional document
Author / Creator
Margaret Murray Washington, 1865-1925
Topic / Theme
Social Reform and Political Activism, Indigenous Women, Multi-Ethnic Participation in Social Movements, Social and Political Leadership
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of an unlined note card, titled "Accumulative," contain information about folk tales with repetitive elements from Bulu, Antiguan, English, Oaxaca [Zapotec], Zuni, Italian, Israeli, and Bahamian cultures. Citations include the following: "Bulu Folk…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of an unlined note card, titled "Accumulative," contain information about folk tales with repetitive elements from Bulu, Antiguan, English, Oaxaca [Zapotec], Zuni, Italian, Israeli, and Bahamian cultures. Citations include the following: "Bulu Folk-Tales," George Schwab, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 27, p. 280; "Notes on Mexican Folk-Lore," Franz Boas, Journal of American…
These handwritten, undated research notes on the front and back of an unlined note card, titled "Accumulative," contain information about folk tales with repetitive elements from Bulu, Antiguan, English, Oaxaca [Zapotec], Zuni, Italian, Israeli, and Bahamian cultures. Citations include the following: "Bulu Folk-Tales," George Schwab, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 27, p. 280; "Notes on Mexican Folk-Lore," Franz Boas, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 25, p. 219; "The Passover Song of the Kid and an Equivalent from New England," William Wells Newell, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 18, p. 33. Show more Show less
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Bulu, Israelis, Italians, Zuni, Zapotec, English, Antiguans, Bahamians
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Achilles Heel
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten note cites Edward Winslow Gifford, 'Miwok Myths' in 'University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,' Vol. 12, p. 29, on cannibal giants who kept their hearts in their ankles. Also mentions Hopi (witches 'wrap breath of scornful maiden into wheel then wound in foot with…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten note cites Edward Winslow Gifford, 'Miwok Myths' in 'University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,' Vol. 12, p. 29, on cannibal giants who kept their hearts in their ankles. Also mentions Hopi (witches 'wrap breath of scornful maiden into wheel then wound in foot with poisoned arrow), Navajo (Coyote keeps life in tip of nose and end of tail), and Ute (Sinawava and the Grass Bug[?], cuts off fingers then…
Handwritten note cites Edward Winslow Gifford, 'Miwok Myths' in 'University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,' Vol. 12, p. 29, on cannibal giants who kept their hearts in their ankles. Also mentions Hopi (witches 'wrap breath of scornful maiden into wheel then wound in foot with poisoned arrow), Navajo (Coyote keeps life in tip of nose and end of tail), and Ute (Sinawava and the Grass Bug[?], cuts off fingers then silenced). Undated. Show more Show less
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Ute, Navajo, Central Sierra Miwok, Hopi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Achilles Heel
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These brief, handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Achilles heel," contain information about a Bolivian myth. Also noted: neck.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These brief, handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Achilles heel," contain information about a Bolivian myth. Also noted: neck.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Achilles Heel - Variants On
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten note mentions Coyote, his skin, Raven, and Louse. Also mentions Tewa Handmark Boy (bear is really man). Undated.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten note mentions Coyote, his skin, Raven, and Louse. Also mentions Tewa Handmark Boy (bear is really man). Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Achomawi Creation
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on an unlined note card titled "Achomawi Creation," re: myths of the Achomawi [Achumawi] and Atsugewi Indians. A citation is given for "Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales," Roland B. Dixon, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 21, pp. 159-177. In these stories, Silver-Fox creates the earth while he and…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on an unlined note card titled "Achomawi Creation," re: myths of the Achomawi [Achumawi] and Atsugewi Indians. A citation is given for "Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales," Roland B. Dixon, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 21, pp. 159-177. In these stories, Silver-Fox creates the earth while he and Coyote are floating in a canoe. They create people from sticks. Squirrel steals obsidian for arrowheads from Obsidian-Old-Man. Noted:…
Handwritten notes on an unlined note card titled "Achomawi Creation," re: myths of the Achomawi [Achumawi] and Atsugewi Indians. A citation is given for "Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales," Roland B. Dixon, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 21, pp. 159-177. In these stories, Silver-Fox creates the earth while he and Coyote are floating in a canoe. They create people from sticks. Squirrel steals obsidian for arrowheads from Obsidian-Old-Man. Noted: Primeval water, people of sticks, theft of obsidian, making of daylight by Lizard, theft of fire. Undated. Show more Show less
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Atsugewi, Achumawi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Address Accepting Her Diploma from the Sorbonne, University of Paris, 12/29/1925
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written by Anna J. Cooper, 1858-1964, in Anna Julia Cooper Papers, of Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Box 23-4, folder 29, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University, Washington, D.C.) (District of Columbia) (1925) , 1 page(s)
written by Anna J. Cooper, 1858-1964, in Anna Julia Cooper Papers, of Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Box 23-4, folder 29, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University, Washington, D.C.) (District of Columbia) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Anna J. Cooper, 1858-1964
Topic / Theme
History, Educational level, Cultural life, Women and Education, Access to Higher Education, World War I & Jazz Age (1914–1928), 20th Century in World History (1914--2000)
Address by Mrs. Booker T. Washington
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written by Margaret Murray Washington, 1865-1925, in Jessie Daniel Ames Papers, of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Wilson Library, Southern Historical Collection (Subseries 1.2.1, Organizational Papers, 1920-1963, Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.) (Chapel Hill, NC) (1920) , 8 page(s)
written by Margaret Murray Washington, 1865-1925, in Jessie Daniel Ames Papers, of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Wilson Library, Southern Historical Collection (Subseries 1.2.1, Organizational Papers, 1920-1963, Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.) (Chapel Hill, NC) (1920) , 8 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Margaret Murray Washington, 1865-1925
Topic / Theme
Plantations, Race relations, African Americans