WASM Contributors
I. Historians
Ann Taylor Allen, who received her undergraduate degree at Bryn Mawr College and her doctorate at Columbia University, is a Professor of History at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. She is the author of Satire and Society in Wilhelmine Germany (1984); Feminism and Motherhood in Germany, 1800-1914 (1991); Feminism and Motherhood in Western Europe, 1890-1970: The Maternal Dilemma (2005); and Women in Twentieth-Century Europe (2008). She has also published many articles on international feminist movements and on the history of the kindergarten in Germany and the United States.
Karen Anderson is Professor of History at the University of Arizona and her teaching and research focus on Women in the United States in the twentieth century. Her most recent book is Changing Woman: A History of Racial Ethnic Women in Modern America.
Joyce Antler is the Samuel Lane Professor of American Jewish History and Culture at Brandeis University. She is the author and editor of several works on American women's history, including The Journey Home: How Jewish Women Shaped Modern America, Talking Back: Images of Jewish Women in American Popular Culture, America and I: Short Stories of American Jewish Women Writers, and Lucy Sprague Mitchell: The Making of a Modern Woman. Her current project is a cultural history of the American Jewish mother.
Laurie Arnold is an enrolled citizen of the Sinixt Band of the Colville Confederated Tribes. She is Professor of History, Director of Native American Studies, and the Robert K. and Ann J. Powers Chair of the Humanities at Gonzaga University. Her book, Bartering with the Bones of Their Dead: The Colville Confederated Tribes and Termination, was published by the University of Washington Press in 2012. Her scholarship includes Colville author Mourning Dove, the Indigenous Columbia Plateau, Indian gaming, and her current research considers how contemporary Native American playwrights are using theatre to tell Native narratives of the past and present.
Barbara Babcock is Judge John Crown Professor of Law, Emerita at Stanford Law School. The first woman appointed to the regular faculty, as well as the first woman to hold an endowed chair and the first emerita, at Stanford Law School, Barbara Babcock is an expert in criminal and civil procedure. She is also known nationwide for her research into the history of women in the legal profession.
Carrie N. Baker is an Assistant Professor in the Program for the Study of Women and Gender at Smith College. She holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Yale University and a J.D. and Ph.D. in Women's Studies from Emory University. Dr. Baker was Editor in Chief of the Emory Law Journal while in law school and later served as a law clerk to United States District Court Judge Marvin Shoob in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Baker's primary areas of research are women's legal history, gender and public policy, and women's social movements. Dr. Baker's book, The Women's Movement Against Sexual Harassment, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2007 and won the National Women's Studies Association 2008 Sara A. Whaley book prize.
Elaine DeLott Baker is a consultant to the Aspen Institute on Community College Excellence. She contributed a chapter to Getting to Graduation: The Completion Agenda in Higher Education. Her doctoral work was in Educational Leadership and Innovation and she is particularly concerned with issues of equity, identity and class.
Helen Ballhatchet's research into the intellectual history of Meiji Japan (1868-1912) has focussed on responses to Western ideas, including those related to Christianity and political rights, and also on changing gender roles. Her most recent publication, Fukuzawa Yukichi on Women and the Family (Keio University Press, 2017) is a collection of translations (with analyses) of the public and private writings on women and the family of a major opinion leader of Meiji Japan.
Xiaolan Bao was Associate Professor of History at California State University, Long Beach and the author of Holding Up More than Half the Sky: Chinese Women Garment Workers in New York City, 1948-1992 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2001).
Barbara Beatty is Professor of Education at Wellesley College, where she chairs the Education Department. A former kindergarten teacher, her publications include Preschool Education in America: The Culture of Young Children from the Colonial Era to the Present; When Science Encounters the Child: Education, Parenting, and Child Welfare in Twentieth-Century America (co-edited); and many other pieces on the history of kindergartens and nursery schools.
Mary Jo Binker is a consulting editor for the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project, a projected five-volume series dealing with Eleanor Roosevelt's postwar career (1945-1962). Besides serving as assistant editor for the first two volumes of the series, she is a co-author of A Defense Weapon Known to be of Value: Military Women of the Korean War Era(University of New England Press, 2005) and the author of several journal articles on presidents, first ladies and the White House. She is currently working on an article on Eleanor Roosevelt and Senator Arthur Vandenberg (R-MI).
Social historian Mary H. Blewett writes on workers and industrial change in New England in the 19th and 20th centuries. She is currently researching the social and transnational dimensions of the worsted industry in Yorkshire and Rhode Island and the role of the New England granite industry in building urban infrastructure in the 19th century. Her most recent book is Constant Turmoil: The Politics of Industrial Life in Nineteenth-Century New England (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2000).
Victoria Brown is the author of The Education of Jane Addams: From Heroine to Democrat in the Gilded Age (2004). She edited Jane Addams's autobiography, Twenty Years at Hull House, for Bedford/ St. Martin's Press (1999) and has written several articles on Addams. Brown teaches modern U.S. History, U.S. Women's History, U.S. Immigration History and the Art of Biography at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa.
Jana Brubaker is a librarian and Associate Professor at Northern Illinois University. She has an M.A. in history, and her research interest is women in the Progressive Era.
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas is a Professor of Communication and Culture in the Department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University and President of the World Communication Association. She is author most recently of Empathy in the Global World: An Intercultural Perspective (2010). Her research areas are communication in Black America, empathy and conflict, civic engagement and pedagogy. She holds a BS degree from Grambling College, an MA degree from the University of Wisconsin, and a PhD degree from Indiana University.
Lara Campbell is Assistant Professor of Women's Studies at Simon Fraser University.
Sharon Advincula Caringal is a One U.P. Faculty Grant Awardee in History for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service (2022-2024) in the University of the Philippines Manila. Her published work includes Shifting Paradigms: Solidarity Groups and the Muslim Secessionist Problem in the Philippines (2011). She is a lifetime member of the Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society for Social Sciences.
Tamar Carroll is a historian of politics and gender in the post-WWII U.S. She recently completed her dissertation, "Grassroots Feminism: Direct Action Organizing and Coalition Building in New York City, 1955-1995," at the University of Michigan.
Floris Barnett Cash, Ph.D., is Faculty Emerita, Stony Brook University; formerly Chairperson, Department of Africana Studies, with a Joint Appointment in the Department of History, and an Affiliate Appointment in Women's & Gender Studies. Research interests include U.S. History and African American women's history.
Patricia Cleary is Professor of History at California State University, Long Beach, where she teaches courses on early American history, women's history, and environmental history. She is the author of Elizabeth Murray: A Woman's Pursuit of Independence in Eighteenth-Century America, and she is currently at work on a study of colonial St. Louis.
Catherine Clinton is the author and editor of over twenty books, including The Plantation Mistress (1982), Divided Houses: Gender and the Civil War (1992), Fanny Kemble's Civil Wars (2000), and, most recently, Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom (2004).
Dorothy Sue Cobble is professor of labor studies, history, and women's and gender studies at Rutgers University. She studies the changing nature of work, social movements, and social policy in the U.S. and globally. Her books include the award-winning Dishing It Out: Waitresses and Their Unions in the Twentieth Century (Illinois, 1991), Women and Unions: Forging a Partnership (Cornell, 1993) and The Other Women's Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America (Princeton, 2004).
Krista Cooke has been working in the Canadian cultural heritage industry for ten years. She graduated with an M.A. in History from the University of Western Ontario with a specialization in Public History and was one of the founding members of the Canadian Association for Women's Public History. Ms. Cooke is currently working as an assistant curator in the Canadian Museum of Civilization's Archaeology and History Division.
Melissa Doak received her Ph.D. in U.S. Women's History at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1999. She served as a post-doctoral fellow for the project in 1999-2000, and in July 2000 became the Associate Director of the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at SUNY, Binghamton.
Peter C. Engelman is associate editor of the Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University and the author of the forthcoming A History of the Birth Control Movement in America (Praeger, 2011), the forward to a new release of Margaret Sanger's Pivot of Civilization (Humanity Books, 2003), and numerous articles and papers.
Carol Faulkner is Associate Professor of History at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. She earned her Ph.D. in U.S. Women's History at the State University of New York at Binghamton. As a National Historical Publications and Records Commission fellow, she worked with Beverly Wilson Palmer and Holly Byers Ochoa on the Lucretia Coffin Mott Correspondence Project. The project published The Selected Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott (University of Illinois Press, 2002). She is the author of Women's Radical Reconstruction: The Freedmen's Aid Movement (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003), Women in American History to 1880: A Documentary Reader (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), and Lucretia Mott's Heresy: Abolition and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011). With Alison M. Parker, she co-edited the forthcoming collection, Interconnections: Gender and Race in American History (University of Rochester Press, 2012).
Harriet Feinberg holds an Ed.D. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She taught English and trained English teachers at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. Her research interests include international feminism in the years before World War I, peacebuilding in the Middle East and in other conflict-ridden areas, and Jewish women. She edited the English translation of Memories, the autobiography of Dutch Jewish feminist Aletta Jacobs, and co-edited Poemmaking, a collection of essays by Massachusetts poets about their work in elementary schools.
Sara Fitzgerald is a freelance writer and the author of Elly Peterson: "Mother" of the Moderates, published by University of Michigan Press (2011). A former editor at The Washington Post, she holds a B.A. in honors history and journalism from the University of Michigan.
Jennifer Frost is Associate Professor of History at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, where she teaches courses in social, cultural, and women's history. She is the author of An Interracial Movement of the Poor: Community Organizing and the New Left in the 1960's (New York University Press, 2001).
Julie A. Gallagher is the Rosenberg Professor for Leadership and Innovation and an Associate Professor of History at Penn State University, (Brandywine Campus). She is the author of the book, Black Women and Politics in New York City, (University of Illinois Press, 2012) and "The National Council of Negro Women, Human Rights, and the Cold War," a chapter in a recently published anthology on women's post-World War II activism titled Breaking the Wave: Women, Their Organizations and Feminism, 1945-1985.
Marcia M. Gallo is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her first book is the Lambda Award-winning Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement (Carroll & Graf, 2006); in 2007, Gallo received the Passing the Torch Award from the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at City University of New York Graduate Center for her scholarship on feminist and lesbian activism.
Dr. Chelsea Gibson is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Binghamton University. Her research explores the gendered reception of female Russian terrorists in the United States between 1878 and 1920. You can follow her on twitter @gibsoche as well as find more information about her scholarship and teaching at her website chelseacgibson.com
Liette Gidlow is an associate professor of history at Wayne State University in Detroit. Her previous publications include The Big Vote: Gender, Consumer Culture, and the Politics of Exclusion, 1890s-1920s (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004) and Obama, Clinton, Palin: Making History in Election 2008 (University of Illinois Press, 2012). Her current project is a study of the disfranchisement of women in the U.S. after ratification of the woman suffrage amendment.
Susan Goodier focuses on U.S. women's activism from the Civil War through World War I. She did her graduate work at SUNY at Albany, earning a master's degree in Gender History in 1999 and a doctorate in Public Policy History, with subfields in International Gender and Culture and Black Women's History, in 2007. She then completed a second master's degree in Women's Studies in 2008. At SUNY Oneonta she teaches Women and Women's Social Movements, New York State history, Progressive Era history, and the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Dr. Goodier is also a public scholar for the New York Council for the Humanities and the coordinator for the Upstate New York Women's History Organization (UNYWHO). Her current project is a book on the New York State Woman Suffrage Movement, coauthored with Karen Pastorello, with publication expected in 2017, marking the centennial of women voting in New York State.
Dayo F. Gore is an Associate Professor in Ethnic Studies and Critical Gender Studies at the University of California-San Diego. She is the author of Radicalism at the Crossroads: African American Women Activists in the Cold War and co-editor of Want to Start of Revolution: Radical Women in the Black Freedom Struggle. Her research interests include African diasporic and African American history, 20th century U.S. political and cultural activism, and gender and sexuality studies, with a specific focus on black women's intellectual thought and activism in the long black freedom struggle.
Melanie Gustafson teaches women's history and American history at the University of Vermont. The major focus of her scholarship is women and politics in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.
Cathy Moran Hajo is an associate editor at the Margaret Sanger Papers and teaches courses in digital history for New York University's Archives and Public History Program. In addition to her publications with the Sanger Project, she is the author of Birth Control on Main Street (2010), an overview of the development of birth-control clinics in the United States.
Dr. Sharon Harley is Associate Professor and former Chair of the African American Studies Department at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is the editor and a contributor to the anthologies Women's Labor in the Global Economy: Speaking in Multiple Voices (Rutgers University Press, 2007) and Sister Circle: Black Women and Work(Rutgers, 2002); both volumes are products of Ford Foundation-funded research seminars that Dr. Harley co-directed, She is the author of the highly acclaimed The Timetables of African American History (Simon & Schuster, 1995) and co-editor of the pioneer volume in black women's history, The Afro-American Woman: Struggles and Images (Kennikat Press, 1978 reprinted, 1997).
Cynthia Harrison is Associate Professor of History, Women's Studies, and Public Policy, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. and a member of the D.C. Commission for Women.
Wanda A. Hendricks is an associate professor of history at the University of South Carolina. She is the author of Gender, Race, and Politics in the Midwest: Black Club Women in Illinois (Indiana University Press, 1998) and Fannie Barrier Williams: Crossing the Borders of Region and Race (University of Illinois Press, 2014). She is currently working on a biography of Madie Hall Xuma and the globalization of black women's activism.
Mary Henold is Assistant Professor of History at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia. She is currently writing a monograph on the early history of the American Catholic feminist movement, 1963-1983.
Diana Mara Henry was an independent contractor for the Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year and served as official photographer for the NY State Women's Meeting, the First National Women's Conference and the delivery at the White House of The Spirit of Houston, the official report to the President, the Congress and the People of the United States. She retains copyright to all 86 images used in that report and to the 1152 images online courtesy of U Mass Amherst where the special collection: "Diana Mara Henry Twentieth Century Photographer" is archived.
Nancy A. Hewitt is Professor of History and Women's & Gender Studies at Rutgers University. She is the author of Women's Activism and Social Change: Rochester, New York, 1822-1872, and Southern Discomfort: Women's Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s-1920s, and editor of Companion to American Women's History. She is currently working on a biography of nineteenth-century abolitionist and feminist, Amy Post.
Paula K. Hinton is Associate Professor of History at Tennessee Technological University where she teaches American History, Women's History, the History of Masculinity, and the History of Crime in America. She is chair of the Women and Gender Studies Curriculum Committee and the Diversity, Equity and Access Council.
Margaret Hobbs is Associate Professor and former Chair of the Women's Studies Department at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. She researches Canadian women's history, especially in relation to feminism and women's movements, social policy, and work, and she has an ongoing interest in contemporary social justice, anti-poverty, and environmental issues and activism.
Sylvia D. Hoffert, a Professor of History at Texas A & M University, teaches courses in women's history, gender history, and women's studies. Her most recent book is a biography of nineteenth-century abolitionist and feminist Jane Grey Swisshelm.
Marian Horan completed her Ph.D. in U.S. Women's History at SUNY Binghamton in 2006. She is currently a historical consultant on native claims cases in the Crown Law Office in her native New Zealand.
Cindy Ingold is Gender and Multicultural Services Librarian in the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She has a BA in History and an MA in English from Western Illinois University, and an MS in Library Science from the University of Missouri Columbia. Cindy is active in the Women and Gender Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. She is also a member of the National Women's Studies Association, and currently co-chairs the Librarians Task Force of NWSA.
Melody James is a theater professional, educator, writer and member of Theater Artists Workshop. She's a 12-year veteran of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, and a member of New York-based ensemble Modern Times Theater. Melody has taught theater at Vassar, Fordham, Housatanic Community College, and Westport Country Playhouse. As guest artist at Muhlenberg College for over 5 years she taught acting, directed productions, portrayed Mother Courage, and wrote and directed Canaries and Sitting Ducks.
Nancy Janovicek is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Calgary.
Kimberly A. Jarvis is Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Doane College in Crete, NE. Her research interests focus on women's history and the history of the conservation movement in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century United States.
Jill Jensen is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Redlands, teaching courses on the history of capitalism, business ethics, workers in the global economy, and the history of work. She has published articles on the history of the United Nations and the International Labor Organization (ILO), particularly on U.S. perspectives regarding inter-governmental institutions, international human rights, comparative social policy, and women's work and gender. She is co-editor of The ILO from Geneva to the Pacific Rim: West Meets East (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) and editor of the Alexander Street/ProQuest database, "Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South, 1919-2019."
Carole Joffe is a professor at the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco. She is also a Professor Emerita of sociology at the University of California, Davis. Her research focuses on the social dimensions of reproductive health, with a focus on abortion provision. She is the author of Dispatches from the Abortion Wars (Beacon Press, 2009) and numerous other publications on the status of abortion in American society.
Margaret R. (Peg) Johnston provides abortion care to women and has an abiding interest in women's history as well as public art. Her research on Elisabeth Freeman began in the 1970's and continues today. She is a board member of the Abortion Conversation Projects, chair emeritus of the Abortion Care Network and creator of the Pregnancy Options Workbooks.
Adrienne Lash Jones is Associate Professor Emeritus and Former Chair of the Department of African American Studies at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. During her career she was an active contributor to the fields of Women's and African American history with over fourteen publications to her credit. She is well known for her special interest in the history of Black women in the YWCA of the USA.
Dr. Esther Katz is the editor and director of the Margaret Sanger Papers Project, associate professor of U.S. History at New York University and a historian of twentieth century U.S. and women's history. She has published three volumes of the Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger (University of Illinois Press, 2003-2010) as well as a 101-reel microfilm edition (University Publications of America). In addition, she is working on a series of subject-based digital editions of Sanger's papers.
S. J. Kleinberg is Professor of American History at Brunel Business School, Brunel University, Uxbridge, England. Her most recent book is Widows and Orphans First: The Family Economy and Social Welfare Policy, 1880-1939 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2005).
Rui Kohiyama, Professor of American and Gender Studies, Tokyo Woman's Christian University, is the co-editor of Introduction to the History of Gender in the United States(2010) and As Our God Alone Will Lead Us: The 19th-Century American Women's Foreign Mission Enterprise and Its Encounter with Meiji Japan (1992), both in Japanese.
Steve Kramer has been a history teacher at the Hockaday School in Dallas, Texas, since 1980 and before that, at the Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tennessee. He currently teaches AP United States History, AP Modern European History, the American Civil War, and an independent study on African American History. He wrote a paper on Victoria Earle Matthews in a History of Harlem class at Columbia University during his Klingenstein Fellowship year, 1994-1995, at Teachers College, Columbia University and has continued researching her since that time.
Carol Lasser is Professor of History at Oberlin College. She is coeditor of Friends and Sisters: Letters between Lucy Stone and Antoinette Brown Blackwell, 1846-1893(University of Illinois, 1987), and has also written on coeducation, domestic service, gender ideology and antislavery activism. She is currently working on a history of race in nineteenth-century Oberlin, Ohio.
Kathleen A. Laughlin is Professor and Chair of the Department of History at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Women's Work and Public Policy: A History of the Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 1945-1970 (Boston : Northeastern University Press, 2000).
Tracy N. Leavelle is an Assistant Professor of History at Creighton University. He is completing a book manuscript that examines the nature of spiritual encounters between Catholic missionaries and American Indians in colonial North America.
Gerda Lerner is Robinson-Edwards Professor Emerita of History at the University of Madison-Wisconsin. She is the author or editor of twelve books in Women's History and played a major role in the emergence of U.S. Women's History as a specialty within U.S. History.
Roberta Lexier holds a postdoctoral fellowship in Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University. She recently completed her dissertation, entitled, "The Canadian Student Movement in the Sixties: Three Case Studies."
Kriste Lindenmeyer is Associate Professor of American History at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is the author of A Right to Childhood: The U.S. Children's Bureau and Child Welfare, 1912-1946 (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1997). Her research and teaching interests focus on women's history and the history of childhood in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century United States.
James D. Livingston is a Senior Lecturer in Materials Science at MIT, and has published several articles on New York State history. He and his wife Sherry Penney have studied and written about the life of Martha Coffin Wright, one of the organizers of the 1848 Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention (and Jim's great-great-grandmother).
Shirley Wilson Logan is Professor of English at the University of Maryland, where she currently serves as associate chair. Her area of specialty is nineteenth-century African American rhetoric.
Haleigh Marcello is a Ph.D. student in American History at the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests focus on the histories of gender and sexuality in the mid-to-late 20th century United States. Currently, she is researching the history of the LGBT rights movement in Orange County, California during the 1980s.
Serena Mayeri is an Assistant Professor of Law at the University Pennsylvania Law School, where she teaches and writes about legal history, family law, and anti-discrimination law. She is currently at work on a book entitled, Reasoning from Race: Legal Feminism in the Civil Rights Era.
Judith N. McArthur is a member of the University of Houston-Victoria faculty, and co-author of Minnie Fisher Cunningham: A Suffragist's Life in Politics (Oxford University Press, 2003; paperback edition 2005). She is also the author of Creating the New Woman: The Rise of Southern Women's Progressive Culture in Texas, 1893-1918 (University of Illinois Press, 1998).
Carole McCann is Director of Women's Studies and Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is the author of Birth Control Politics in the United States, 1916-1945 (Cornell University Press, 1999). She is currently working on a follow up to that book, Birth Control, Eugenics and the Foundations of Demography, which examines gender and race in international population politics after 1945.
Audrey Thomas McCluskey is Professor Emerita in the Department of African-American & African Diaspora Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington. She served alternately as director of graduate studies in the Department; Director of the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center; and Director of the Black Film Center/Archive. Her publications on black women educators include several journal articles, book chapters, review essays, and the coedited book, with Elaine M. Smith, Mary McLeod Bethune: Building a Better World. Her most recent book, A Forgotten Sisterhood: Pioneering Black Women Educators and Activists in the Jim Crow Era, was published in November 2014 by Rowman & Littlefield.
John F. McClymer is professor of history at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts where he has taught for more than four decades. He did his undergraduate work at Fordham College and his M.A. and Ph.D. at SUNY at Stony Brook. He is the author of seven books - most recently The Birth of Modern America, 1919-1939 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2005) - and scores of articles and book chapters, several of which deal with teaching and with using the internet including The AHA Guide to Teaching and Learning with New Media (2006, 2012). He is editor for online projects for the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, a co-editor of H-ETHNIC and a former member of H-NET's Teaching Committee. He is the recipient of numerous fellowships and grants including a NEH Curriculum Development grant and two Teaching American History grants in partnership with Worcester Public Schools, the American Antiquarian Society, and Old Sturbridge Village.
Gwendolyn Mink is Patsy Mink's daughter. A political scientist and author of several books on women/gender and poverty policy, she was professor of politics at the University of California at Santa Cruz for twenty years before joining the faculty at Smith College as Charles N. Clark Professor. Since 2009 she has been an independent scholar.
Danelle Moon is Associate Professor and Director of Special Collections & Archives, San Jose State University.
Michelle Moravec is an associate professor of history at Rosemont College in Philadelphia and the digital projects editor for Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000.
Teresa Murphy is Associate Professor of American Studies at George Washington University, with a primary interest is U.S. cultural history in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century. Important related interests are women's history and social history. She also maintains a broad interest in the field of American Studies as Associate Editor of the journal American Quarterly. She is the author of Ten Hours Labor: Religion, Reform and Gender in Early New England (1992).
Gail Murray is an Associate Professor of History at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn., where she teaches southern women's history and the history of childhood among other things. She edited a collection of essays on white southern women in the Civil Rights Movement, Throwing Off the Cloak of Privilege (University Press of Florida, 2004).
Sylvie Murray is Professor of History at the University College of the Fraser Valley. She is the author of The Progressive Housewife: Community Activism in Suburban Queens, 1945-1965 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004).
Julie Myers-Mushkin graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1998 with a double B.A. in history and the study of religion. In 2016, she graduated from the University of Louisville with an M.A. in Women's and Gender Studies and a Graduate Certificate in Medieval and Renaissance. She currently teaches social studies and language arts at St. Francis School in Kentucky.
Tamara Myers is Assistant Professor and Graduate Chair in the History Department at the University of British Columbia.
Kim Nielsen is Associate Professor of Social Change and Development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, where she teaches courses in history and women's studies.
Rachel O'Donnell. With a background in Political Science, International Development, and Latin American Studies, Rachel O'Donnell's writing and teaching are interdisciplinary and have been focused on global feminist politics and Central America. Her research has explored social movements and political violence in Guatemala during the period of regional democratic and neoliberal reform. Her more recent work on the history and political economy of bioprospecting in the region is part of an international project on abortifacients and plant-based contraceptives. Rachel teaches in the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Program at the University of Rochester.
Kristen Tegtmeier Oertel currently serves as associate professor of history at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, and will assume the Mary Frances Barnard Chair of 19th-Century American History at the University of Tulsa in August of 2010. Her first book, Bleeding Borders: Race, Gender, and Violence in Pre-Civil War Kansas, was published by LSU Press in 2009, and her second book, Frontier Feminist: Clarina Howard Nichols and the Politics of Motherhood (co-authored with Marilyn S. Blackwell), is forthcoming from the University Press of Kansas in the fall of 2010.
Brigid O'Farrell is an independent scholar affiliated with the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project at George Washington University. Her research, writing, and advocacy in sociology and labor history focus on public policy and women's equality in the workplace. She has authored or collaborated on 10 books including She Was One of Us: Eleanor Roosevelt and the American Worker and Rocking the Boat: Union Women's Voices 1915-1975 with Joyce Kornbluh. Her articles have appeared in academic journals, newspapers, magazines and on-line. She is a member of the National Writers Union, UAW, Local 1981.
Katherine M.B. Osburn is Associate Professor of History at Tennessee Technological University. She is author of Southern Ute Women: Autonomy and Assimilation on the Reservation, 1885-1934 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1998). Her current research focuses on the Mississippi Choctaw.
Beverly Wilson Palmer is the Editor of the Lucretia Coffin Mott Correspondence and teaches writing at Pomona College. Her published editorial work includes Selected Letters of Charles Sumner (1990) and Selected Papers of Thaddeus Stevens (1997, 1998).
Febe Pamonag is Professor of History at Western Illinois University. Her published work on women's and gender history has appeared in several journals, including the Pacific Historical Review and U.S.-Japan Women's Journal. She was co-editor of "Filipino Women and American Empire, 1904-2004," published in Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820, edited by Kathryn Sklar and Thomas Dublin (Alexander Street, 2017).
Alison Parker is chair of the History Department at The College of Brockport, State University of New York and is author of Purifying America: Women, Cultural Reform, and Pro-Censorship Activism, 1873-1933 (1997) and Articulating Rights: Nineteenth-Century American Women on Race, Reform, and the State (2010), which features a chapter on Mary Church Terrell's political thought. Currently she is working on a biography of Terrell. She is co-editor with Carol Faulkner (Syracuse University) of the "Gender and Race in American History" series at the University of Rochester Press.
Robert Dale Parker, the Frank Hodgins Professor of American Literature at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has published a wide variety of books on American and Native American literature and critical theory, including an edition of the writings of Jane Johnston Schoolcraft with a cultural biography of Schoolcraft, an anthology of early Native American poetry, The Invention of Native American Literature, How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies (now in its fourth edition), and The Literature of Extreme Poverty in the Great Depression (forthcoming in 2024).
Karen Pastorello graduated with a Ph.D. in American History from the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2001. She is currently an associate professor of history at Tompkins Cortland Community College in Dryden, New York. She has published a number of articles concerning Bessie Abramowitz Hillman's labor activism and is now working on a full-length treatment of her life, including the broader participation of women in the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (forthcoming from University of Illinois Press).
Diane Pecknold is a Professor of Women's & Gender Studies at the University of Louisville, where she teaches courses on the history of feminism, feminist pedagogy with girls, and gender and popular culture in the twentieth century. She is the author of The Selling Sound: The Rise of the Country Music Industry (Duke, 2007), editor of Hidden in the Mix: The African American Presence in Country Music (Duke, 2013), and co- editor of A Boy Named Sue: Gender and Country Music (Mississippi, 2004) and Country Boys and Redneck Women: New Essays in Gender and Country Music (Mississippi, 2016). She is currently a member of the history faculty at St Francis High School, where she teaches U.S. history from European contact to the present.
Sherry H. Penney is the Sherry H. Penney Professor of Leadership at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where she served as Chancellor from 1988 to 2000. She wrote the biography Patrician in Politics: Daniel Dewey Barnard of New York, and she and her husband Jim Livingston have studied and written about the life of Martha Coffin Wright.
Elisabeth I. Perry is Professor of History and holds the John Francis Bannon, S.J., Endowed Chair in History and American Studies at St. Louis University. She is the author of Belle Moskowitz: Feminine Politics and the Exercise of Power in the Age of Alfred E. Smith (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987; Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2000), among other works.
Jeanne Petit is an Associate Professor of History at Hope College and the author of The Men and Women We Want: Gender, Race, and the Progressive Era Literacy Test Debate(Race and Gender in American History Series, University of Rochester Press, 2010).
Laura Prieto is an Associate Professor at Simmons College, teaching courses in U.S. history, including Women and Gender, Race, and American Cultures. She is the author of At Home in the Studio: The Professionalization of Women Artists in America (2001).
Laura Micheletti Puaca is Associate Professor of History and Director of the Program in Women's and Gender Studies at Christopher Newport University. She is the author of Searching for Scientific Womanpower: Technocratic Feminism and the Politics of National Security, 1940-1980 (UNC Press, 2014). She is currently working on a new project examining rehabilitation education for disabled homemakers in the post-World War United States.
Mary A. Renda, Emily Dickinson Professor of History at Mount Holyoke College, is the award-winning author of Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of US Imperialism, 1915–1940. Her current book project examines the founding of women's higher education in New England during the 1830s-1840s as a chapter in the history of North American settler colonialism.
Stephanie J. Richmond is assistant professor of history and history program coordinator at Norfolk State University. She is a historian of gender and race in the Atlantic world and is currently working on a book manuscript examining antislavery women, women's rights and social class in the United States and Britain. Her other digital history work can be found at http://www.sjrichmond.com.
Michelle Rief was Assistant Professor in the Center for Ethnic Studies at Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York. She holds a doctorate in African American Studies and Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies from Temple University. Her research has focused on the International Council of Women of the Darker Races (1922-40). She is currently an independent scholar residing in Alexandria, Virginia.
Edith Holbrook Riehm is a graduate student in History at Georgia State University where she is completing a dissertation on Truman's Committee on Civil Rights and the post-World War II civil rights movement.
Ivette Rivera-Guisti earned her Ph.D. in U.S. History at SUNY Binghamton and is currently an Assistant Professor of History at Fordham University. She is working on revising her doctoral dissertation, which focused on women and the tobacco industry in Puerto Rico in the twentieth century.
Beth Robinson received her Ph.D. in History from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2013. She is currently revising her dissertation, “Toward Collective Liberation: The Rise and Fall of Anti-Sweatshop Activism in the United States.” She is currently teaching at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi.
Benita Roth is an assistant professor of sociology and women's studies at the State University of New York at Binghamton. Her work focuses on gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality and class in social protest. She is currently working on a book-length project about the making of racial/ethnic feminist movements in the U.S. during the second wave.
Dorothy Salem Ph.D., named the Ohio Professor of the Year (2002) by the Carnegie Foundation, is currently Faculty Emeritus at Cuyahoga Community College. Author of The Journey: A History of the African American Experience, African American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, and To Better Our World, Salem continues her research and education roles as the educational outreach director of Woodland Cemetery Foundation and is working on a book about women's work within the NAACP.
Beth Salerno is Associate Professor of History at St. Anselm College. She is author of Sister Societies: Women's Antislavery Organizations in Antebellum America (2005). During the 2007-08 academic year she is serving as a Fulbright scholar in South Korea.
Joan Sangster teaches History and Women's Studies at Trent University. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Patricia A. Schechter is Professor of History at Portland State University, where she has taught since 1995. Her 2001 book, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and American Reform, 1880-1930 (University of North Carolina Press) won the Sierra Book Prize from the Western Association of Women Historians. The oral memoir Remembering the Power of Words: The Life of an Oregon Activist, Legislator, and Community Leader (Oregon State University Press), which she co-authored, was a notable Library Choice book in 2011. Exploring the Decolonial Imaginary: Four Transnational Lives was published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2012. She is also an active public historian, with numerous community-based history and collection development projects completed in Oregon.
April Schultz is Director of Women's Studies and teaches U.S. cultural and social history at Illinois Wesleyan University. She is the author of Ethnicity on Parade: Inventing Norwegian-American Identity through Celebration.
Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz is a graduate student at Indiana University where she specializes in nineteenth-century America and women's history . Her dissertation is focused on the women in abolitionist John Brown's family. She is exploring their involvement in antislavery work in the years leading up to Harpers Ferry, their subsequent ties to the abolitionist community, how they remembered Brown and worked to preserve his memory, and how they figured in the broader Reconstruction and Gilded Age American memory.
Rima Lunin Schultz is the Director and Editor of the University of Illinois at Chicago website, Urban Experience in Chicago: Hull-House and Its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963, a research website sponsored by the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum and the College of Architecture and the Arts. She is the editor of Women Building Chicago 1790-1990: A Biographical Dictionary (Indiana University Press, 2001). Her article "'To Realize the Joy of Dedication and Vocation in the Grace Conferred in Our Order: Deaconesses in Twentieth Century Chicago," will appear in Deeper Joy: Laywomen and Vocation in the Twentieth Century Episcopal Church, edited by Fredrica Harris Thompsett and Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook, forthcoming Church Publications, Inc., 2005.
Natalia Shevin graduated from Oberlin College in 2017, having majored in history with a focus on Black and women's history. She currently teaches nursery school in New York City.
Taeko Shibahara earned her Ph.D. in American Studies at Doshisha University in Kyoto. Her research interest centers around the history of transnational contacts and the exchange of ideas between western and Japanese feminists since the late nineteenth century in an attempt to understand the implications of two synchronized political movements: feminism and imperialism.
Harold L. Smith is a member of the University of Houston-Victoria faculty and co-author of Minnie Fisher Cunningham: A Suffragist's Life in Politics (Oxford University Press, 2003; paperback edition 2005). He is the author of several books, including The British Women's Suffrage Campaign, 1866-1928) (Longman, 1998; revised edition 2007).
Marjorie J. Spruill is Associate Professor of History at the University of South Carolina. She specializes in United States history, particularly women's and gender history and the history of the American South. She is the author of New Women of the New South: The Leaders of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the Southern States (Oxford University Press) and is currently exploring the emergence of cultural conflict between feminists and antifeminists in the 1970s, the politicization of social conservatives, and the role of gender in the right turn in American politics in the late 1970s.
Sarah Steinbock-Pratt is associate professor of History at the University of Alabama and the author of Educating the Empire: American Teachers and Contested Colonization in the Philippines (2019). She is currently working on a book about US Empire, transpacific migration, and Afro-Filipino identity.
Carolyn Strange is a specialist in gender and women's history. A member of the School of History at the Australian National University, she has taught and published on nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S., Canadian and Australian history. She is currently working on the history of discretionary justice in New York State.
Janice L. Sumler-Edmond is Professor of United States History and African American History and she directs the W.E.B. DuBois Honors Program at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas. She is the author of The Secret Trust of Aspasia Cruvellier Mirault: the Life and Trials of a Free Woman of Color in Antebellum Georgia (Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press, 2008).
Kirsten Swinth is a Magis Distinguished Professor of History at Fordham University. She is the author of Painting Professionals: Women Artists and the Development of Modern American Art, 1870-1930 (North Carolina, 2001). She is currently working on a cultural history of the "working mother" in the United States since 1965.
Cynthia Taylor received her Ph.D. in American Religious History from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. Currently she is teaching in the History and Religion Departments at Dominican University of California.
Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, Ph.D., is University Professor Emerita, Morgan State University, where she served as Professor of History and the Coordinator of the Graduate Programs in History. Her research and writing include over 40 articles and seven books, including African American Women in the Struggle for the Vote, 1850 to 1920, and the anthology Women in Africa and the African Diaspora: A Reader. A consultant for several historical projects, she appears in C-Span's "First Ladies" documentary, a 2013-14 series about the lives of American First Ladies.
Nancy C. Unger is Assistant Professor of History, Women and Gender Studies, and Environmental Studies at Santa Clara University. Her extensive work on the La Follette family includes the prize-winning Fighting Bob La Follette: The Righteous Reformer (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000). Her current book project is Beyond "Nature's Housekeepers": Gender and American Women in Environmental History.
Jamie Wagman is an Associate Professor and Chair of History and Gender & Women's Studies at Saint Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana. Her work has also been featured in the Journal of Urban History, Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and Gender Issues, and Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy. She has been a Fulbright Specialist and a NEH Summer Scholar, and a co-edited collection, "Feminist Responses to the Neoliberalization of the University: From Surviving to Thriving" from Lexington Books is forthcoming in 2020.
Kristin Waters, Ph.D., Resident Scholar at the Brandeis University Women's Studies Research Center and Professor of Philosophy at Worcester State University, has edited two important collections of political theory: Women and Men Political Theorists: Enlightened Conversations and, with Carol Conaway, Black Women's Intellectual Traditions: Speaking Their Minds which was awarded the Letitia Woods Brown Memorial Prize. Her most recent article, "Crying Out for Liberty: Maria W. Stewart and David Walker's Black Revolutionary Liberalism" is published in Philosophia Africana: Analysis of Philosophy and Issues in Africa and the Black Diaspora.
Corinne Weible currently serves as Outreach Services Manager for the Finger Lakes Library System, where she coordinates the oversight and development of library and information outreach to underserved individuals and people with special needs. She holds an MA in History from SUNY Binghamton.
Gaylynn Welch is a Lecturer of History at the State University of New York, Potsdam. She received her Ph.D. from SUNY-Binghamton in 2009. Her dissertation, "National and Local Forces Shaping the American Woman Suffrage Movement, 1870-1890," contributes to the history of the woman suffrage movement, social movements, and Gilded Age political and economic life. She has presented her dissertation research at many local, state, and national conferences, and she is currently working on an article about partial suffrage laws.
Brandy Thomas Wells is Associate Professor of History at Oklahoma State University. She specializes in modern United States history, emphasizing race, gender, community-building, transnational activism, and foreign relations. She is an award-winning teacher and researcher whose current book project examines the work of the National Council of Negro Women and the National Association of Colored Women.
Lillian Serece Williams is Associate Professor of history in the Department of Transnational Studies at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. The author of Strangers in the Land of Paradise: The Creation of an African American Community, Buffalo, New York, 1900-1940, Professor Williams is editor of The Records of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc. She has devoted much of her professional career to collecting and preserving African American history resources. She established several African American archival repositories, including The Black Capital Region Collection at the University at Albany. Her consultancy with Girl Scouts of the USA resulted in the publication of A Bridge to the Future: The History of Diversity in Girl Scouting. Williams currently is working on a manuscript on African Americans and the Girl Scout movement.
Francille Rusan Wilson is a labor and intellectual historian who specializes in African American and women's history. She is in the Departments of American Studies & Ethnicity and History at the University of Southern California. Her book, The Segregated Scholars: Black Social Scientists and the Creation of Black Labor Studies, 1890-1950 won the Letitia Woods Brown Memorial Book Prize in 2007 from the Association of Black Women Historians.
Tessa Ong Winkelmann is Associate Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her research focuses on the United States in the world, empires and imperialism, ethnic studies, and gender and sexuality studies. Her research has been supported by the Ford and Fulbright foundations and her first book, Dangerous Intercourse: Gender and Interracial Relations in the American Colonial Philippines, 1898–1946, was recently published by Cornell University Press.
Roberta Wollons is chair and professor of history at University of Massachusetts Boston. Relevant publications include: Kindergartens and Cultures: The Global Diffusion of an Idea (Yale University Press, 2000); and "The Education of Annie Howe: Missionary Transformations in Late Meiji Japan," in Casting Faiths: Imperialism and the Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia, ed. Thomas David DuBois (Palgrave, 2009).
Nancy Woloch is the author, most recently, of A Class by Herself: Protective Laws for Women Workers, 1890s-1990s (Princeton University Press, 2015), which has won the Philip Taft Labor History Prize and the William G. Bowen Award in Labor and Public Policy. She is a Research Scholar in History at Barnard College, Columbia University.
Susie Woo is a professor of American Studies at California State University, Fullerton. Her book, Framed by War: Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire (New York University Press, 2019) examines how the Korean War altered the lives of Korean children and women on both sides of the Pacific. Her essays on race, blood, and Korea have appeared in American Quarterly, American Studies, and the edited volume, Pacific America: Histories of Transoceanic Crossings (University of Hawai'i Press, 2017).
Daniel S. Wright earned his Ph.D. in U.S. History at SUNY Binghamton. His dissertation, from which his editorial project is drawn, focuses on the moral reform movement of the 1830s and '40s. He holds an M.Div. degree from Harvard Divinity School and is an ordained minister serving churches in Vermont.
Susan Wurtele is Associate Professor of Geography at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. Her research explores the feminist-cultural geography of early 20th Century Canada with an emphasis on immigration.
Rumi Yasutake is a member of the Faculty of Letters, Konan University, Kobe, Japan. She received her Ph.D. from UCLA and is the author of Transnational Women's Activism: The United States, Japan and Japanese Immigrant Communities in California, 1859-1920 (New York University Press, 2004).
J.D. Zahniser is an independent scholar. She co-authored Alice Paul: Claiming Power (Oxford, 2014). Dr. Zahniser holds a doctorate in American and Women's Studies from the University of Iowa. She resides in St. Paul, Minnesota.
II. Students of History
Lubna A. Alam graduated in May 2003 from Saint Louis University with a major in History. She plans to attend law school and pursue a career in public interest law.
Sarah Allen graduated from Saint Mary's College in 2019 with a major in History. She is currently pursuing a master's degree at Trinity College Dublin in International Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Kari Amidon majored in History at SUNY Binghamton, graduating in 1999. She intends to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Women's History and teach at the college level.
Franchesca Arias graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2002. She intends to pursue graduate work in Clinical Psychology or School Psychology.
Helen Baker was an exchange student at SUNY Binghamton in the spring of 1998. She lives in Suffolk, England and completed her undergraduate studies at Lancaster University.
Gretchen Becht graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2000 where she majored in History. She is currently working as a Paralegal in New York City and plans to attend law school.
Keisha Benjamin is a 2008 honors graduate in History from Binghamton University. She is planning to enter graduate study in African American History in the near future.
Mary Berkery is a doctoral candidate at Binghamton University and a Managing Editor at the Journal of Women's History. She is currently writing her dissertation on the 1977 International Women's Year state meetings in the United States.
Keisha Blain is a graduate student in American History at Princeton University. As Keisha Benjamin, she authored the document project, "How Did Rank and File Women Construct the 'New Negro Woman' within the Universal Negro Improvement Association in the 1920s?"
Kim Crandall Bowling completed this project while a graduate student in the M.A. program in Historical Studies at UMBC. This project is part of Kim's thesis examining Baltimore's YWCA during the 1920s and 1930s.
Rachel Brugger is a May 2000 graduate of SUNY Binghamton with a major in psychology and a minor in women's studies. She began a position in Summer 2000 at the Mental Health Association of Westchester County, where she is assessing the effectiveness of twelve mental health programs throughout the county.
Maggie Campbell graduated from Grinnell College in May 2002 with a degree in History and English. She now lives and works in Marion, Iowa where she is the Managing Director of Campbell Steele Gallery and Liars Theatre.
Debora Carreras graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2001 with a major in Philosophy, Politics and Law. She plans to attend graduate school and pursue a career in public policy/public administration.
Leslie Burger Chomic is an independent historian with a special interest in women's history. She has been a book editor and curriculum developer and is the co-author of three nonfiction children's books. She recently completed a curriculum guide on International Humanitarian Law for the Red Cross.
Dan Covino is a senior History major at Grinnell College and is planning to teach high school history after graduation. He presented his research on William Livingston and the founding of Kings College (later Columbia University) in colonial New York at the annual conference of the National Council for Undergraduate Research in April, 2009, and his paper was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Neal Klausner Scholars' Award at Grinnell College.
Sara Creed is a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. History at New York University. Her reviews of works on legal history have appeared in the New York Law Journal.
Jennifer Cubic is a December 1999 graduate of SUNY Binghamton with a major in History. She is currently a Ph.D. student in U.S. Women's History at SUNY Binghamton and has been a graduate assistant for the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender.
Tahna Del Valle is a 2000 graduate of SUNY Binghamton, earning a B.A. in Women's Studies with a concentration in Multicultural Gender Studies. She intends to continue her education at the graduate level at the University of Puerto Rico.
Jessica Derleth is a Ph.D. student in United States women's and gender history at Binghamton University. Her work focuses on gender ideologies, maternalist politics, and the American woman suffrage movement.
Jill Dias is a 1997 graduate of SUNY Binghamton. She completed an M.A.T. degree in Social Studies at Binghamton in December 1998.
Deirdre Doherty is a 1998 graduate of SUNY Binghamton. Currently she is working in the library of A.T. Kearney, a management consulting firm in New York City, and is enrolled in a Master's degree program in Library and Information Science at Queen's College.
Greg Duffy is a 2001 graduate of SUNY Binghamton. He is currently a graduate student in The History and Law Program at the University of Pennsylvania.
Scott Eckers is an undergraduate at SUNY Binghamton who maintains his own website at http://www.eckers.com/.
Marcia Tremmel Goldstein is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Western and Women's History at the University of Colorado at Denver. She is the author and curator of "This Shall Be the Land for Women: The Struggle for Western Women's Suffrage: 1860-1920," an online exhibit for the Women of the West Museum.
Kerri Harney is a History and Spanish major at SUNY Binghamton who graduated in May 1999. She plans to attend Cornell University law school in Fall 1999.
Rebecca Hemzik has been teaching at Chenango Valley High School in Binghamton, New York for fifteen years and has worked for the New York State Education Department constructing documents-based questions for the 11th-grade Regents Examination in U.S. History and Government. She is working toward a Doctorate in Education at Binghamton University.
David A. Hernandez graduated in May 2018 from Goucher College with a major in History and minor in Historic Preservation and Africana Studies. He plans to attend graduate school and pursue a career in public History.
Beth Hessel is a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. History with a focus on the American West at Texas Christian University. She holds the Benjamin W. Schmidt Memorial Dissertation Fellowship for the 2014-2015 school year as she finishes her dissertation on the relationship between Protestant missionaries, Japanese Americans, and the federal government in the WWII Japanese American incarceration camps.
Kathleen Hoerger graduated from SUNY Binghamton with a major in Creative Writing and Comparative Literature and a minor in history.
Kristy Horaz graduated in May 2001 from SUNY Binghamton with a Political Science major.
Nicole Hunt graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 1999 with a History major and a concentration in Women's Studies. She plans to continue graduate studies in some aspect of Women's Studies in the future.
Rebecca A. Hunt is a historian with a specialty in community and women's history and Visiting Assistant Professor at Metropolitan State College of Denver. She was a historical consultant for the PBS American Experience program One Woman, One Vote, on the national suffrage campaigns, that aired in February of 1995.
Dan Itzkowitz graduated from Grinnell College in 2002 with a degree in History. He now lives in his hometown of St. Paul, Minnesota.
Melissa Karetny graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2000.
Holly M. Kent is a doctoral candidate in the Department of History at Lehigh University. Chief co-editor of thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and culture, she has received grants from the Massachusetts Historical Society and the Sophia Smith Collection for work on her dissertation, which examines women's antislavery fiction in the antebellum United States.
Kathleen Kerr received an M.A. in History from SUNY Binghamton in 1994. She teaches American History and World Geography at Roseville (MN) Area High School.
Jeremy Klaff is a history teacher at Schreiber High School in Port Washington, NY. He is also a staff-developer on multi-media and powerpoint presentations in the classroom.
Michelle Kleehammer worked at the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at SUNY Binghamton in 2002-2003 and is currently a graduate student in History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Lauren Kryzak graduated from SUNY Binghamton in 2002. She majored in computer science and minored in psychology.
Chelsea Kuzma received an M.A. in History at SUNY Binghamton in 1999. She currently lives in San Francisco.
Eunice Lee graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2001. She majored in English with a minor in History.
Kerry Lippincott graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2003. She planned to pursue graduate studies in museum studies.
Jordan Lolmaugh graduated from Saint Mary's College in 2019 with a double major in Psychology and Gender & Women's Studies. She is currently pursuing a master's degree at Loyola University Chicago in Women's Studies and Gender Studies.
Suzanne Lustig graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2002 with a B.A. in Art History. She entered the graduate program at NYU in Art History in the Fall of 2002.
Anissa Harper LoCasto received an M.A. from SUNY Binghamton in May 1999.
Caitlin Mahoney graduated from Saint Mary's College in 2018 with a bachelor's degree in Gender & Women's Studies.
Kathryn Martin graduated from SUNY Binghamton in 1998 with a B.A. in History. Currently she is pursuing a Masters degree in Elementary Education and Secondary Education with a focus on History.
Michelle Mioff was a project assistant in 1997-98 and currently lives in Pittsburgh.
Jenelle Mullen graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 1999 with an English major and a minor in Women's Studies.
Claudia Occaso graduated from SUNY Binghamton in 1999 with a B.S. in Marketing and a minor in Italian Literature. She currently works for a marketing research firm in New York City.
Shannon O'Connor graduated from Grinnell College in May 2002 with a degree in History. She is taking one year off before entering graduate school. Currently, Shannon is working in a used and out-of-print bookstore and substitute teaching in Pittsburgh, Kansas.
Rebecca Park graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2002 majoring in History and minoring in Economics.
Roslyn Perez is a December 1999 graduate of SUNY Binghamton, earning a B.A. with a double major in English and Philosophy. In January 2001 she began graduate study in Education at the New School for Social Research.
Kezia Procita worked at the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender as an undergraduate intern in 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. She graduated from SUNY Binghamton in May 2001 with a major in Geology.
John Qiu is graduating from SUNY Binghamton in May 2004 and is planning to attend medical school.
Heather Rogan is a December 1999 graduate of the State University of New York at Binghamton. She currently is in the M.A.T. program at SUNY. Binghamton.
Angela Scheuerer is a December 2000 graduate of SUNY Binghamton with a major in history. She now works at a bicycle company outside of Rochester. She plans attend graduate school in the future.
Jess Segal graduated from SUNY Binghamton in 2001 with a major in English and a minor in History. She most recently worked with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community in Washington, D.C.
Erin Shaughnessy is a 1997 graduate of SUNY Binghamton. Currently she is a writer giving thought to going to graduate school in American women's history.
Allison Sobek graduated from the University of Arizona in December 2001 with a major in History. Having earned her Arizona state teaching credential, she will pursue her Juris Doctorate at Chapman University in Orange, CA, with either education or law as an ultimate career goal.
Nina Schwartz graduated from Brandeis University in 2005, where she majored in American Studies and Spanish Literature and minored in Women's Studies. She is currently working on Capitol Hill for Congresswoman Betty McCollum from St. Paul, Minnesota.
Megan Temple graduated from Saint Mary's College in 2019 with a major in History. She is currently teaching in Galway.
Jamie Tyler Cook graduated from SUNY Binghamton in 1998. She is working in customer service at At-A-Glance in Sydney, NY, and has a daughter who was four in June 2001.
Claire B. Uziel graduated from Brandeis University in 2003 with a Sociology major and a minor in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. In December 2004, she completed a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Maryland, where she specialized in Archives, Records, and Information Management. She is currently working as Assistant Archivist at the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington.
Karen Vill is a May 2000 graduate of SUNY Binghamton, where she majored in history. She plans on beginning graduate study in the School of Education and Human Development in Fall 2001.
Heidi Voehringer graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in History and Secondary Education in 2001. She currently teaches social studies and coaches girl's basketball at Montrose High School in Montrose, Colorado.
Connie Ziemski has taught American History and World History at Harpursville Central Schools in Upstate New York for four years. Currently she is working on an M.A. in History at SUNY Binghamton.