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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 14. Southwest Notes) (1924) , 1 page(s)
A typed page headed 'Ceremonial' contains summaries of two apparent Hopi origin myths or myth themes, numbered 13 and 11, respectively, and associated with the Shupaulavi Pueblo in Arizona: 'Sun Masks' and 'Detection of Sorcerers,' with citations probably related to 'Traditions of the Hopi' by H.R. Voth, 1905…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 91], Folder 14. Southwest Notes) (1924) , 1 page(s)
A typed page headed 'Ceremonial' contains summaries of two apparent Hopi origin myths or myth themes, numbered 13 and 11, respectively, and associated with the Shupaulavi Pueblo in Arizona: 'Sun Masks' and 'Detection of Sorcerers,' with citations probably related to 'Traditions of the Hopi' by H.R. Voth, 1905. Brief additional hand-written notes with each refer to [Frank] Cushing J36.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Cosmology, Hopi
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Ceremonial Hopi
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten Zuñi notes on an unlined sheet of paper relating to ceremonial Hopi.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten Zuñi notes on an unlined sheet of paper relating to ceremonial Hopi.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Hopi, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Ceremonial Islet
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 2 page(s)
Two handwritten note cards with the header Ceremonial Islet, with brief observations and references.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 2 page(s)
Two handwritten note cards with the header Ceremonial Islet, with brief observations and references.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on Navajo ceremony. Keywords include: 'Crazy' boy overhears crows, fate of brothers, mountain sheep, unable to shoot, dance, sheep become gods who teach ceremony. Source: James Stevenson, Ceremonial of Hasielti Dailjis and Mythical Sand Painting of the Navajo Indians (Report of the Bureau of…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on Navajo ceremony. Keywords include: 'Crazy' boy overhears crows, fate of brothers, mountain sheep, unable to shoot, dance, sheep become gods who teach ceremony. Source: James Stevenson, Ceremonial of Hasielti Dailjis and Mythical Sand Painting of the Navajo Indians (Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Vol. 8), p. 281. Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Ceremonies performed by animals are attended with calamities
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
An undated, typewritten half-page, headed "Ceremonies performed by animals are attended with calamities," contains bibliographical references to a common myth theme, as told by the Hopi, Zuni and other people.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
An undated, typewritten half-page, headed "Ceremonies performed by animals are attended with calamities," contains bibliographical references to a common myth theme, as told by the Hopi, Zuni and other people.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Hopi, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Ceremonies performed by animals etc.
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten citation notes written on an unlined white paper titled, 'Ceremonies performed by animals etc.' Benedict makes reference to animal myths within the Hopi (owl, coyotes, hawk, mice, red eagle, beetles) and Zuni (dove) cultures. Notes discuss, 'Ceremonies performed by animals etc. Hopi - calamities…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten citation notes written on an unlined white paper titled, 'Ceremonies performed by animals etc.' Benedict makes reference to animal myths within the Hopi (owl, coyotes, hawk, mice, red eagle, beetles) and Zuni (dove) cultures. Notes discuss, 'Ceremonies performed by animals etc. Hopi - calamities attending. Kotcina 63 - pursued and burned by people - owl escapes. Revenge by hail - people and [...] destroyed. 2 alive. Coyotes 215 -…
Handwritten citation notes written on an unlined white paper titled, 'Ceremonies performed by animals etc.' Benedict makes reference to animal myths within the Hopi (owl, coyotes, hawk, mice, red eagle, beetles) and Zuni (dove) cultures. Notes discuss, 'Ceremonies performed by animals etc. Hopi - calamities attending. Kotcina 63 - pursued and burned by people - owl escapes. Revenge by hail - people and [...] destroyed. 2 alive. Coyotes 215 - have ket - dance - so entangled in masks and costumes can't escape hunters. All killed esp. one family that didn't dress up. Mice 230 - protected by upright sticks from owl. Hawk catch them. Red coyote 24 - Beetles 238 - no calamity - produce rain. Mice and 2 kinds of breads. 240 paint dance - killed by war gods. cp Zuni MAAA IV 315 where dove produces rain. [...]'
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Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Hopi, Zuni
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Ceremony of Animals Is Disturbed ...
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card begin "Ceremony of animals is disturbed ..." Also noted: gods, Gt. Basin. A citation is included for "Indianische Sagen von de Nord-Pacifischen Küste Amerikas," Franz Boas (1895), p. 169.
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card begin "Ceremony of animals is disturbed ..." Also noted: gods, Gt. Basin. A citation is included for "Indianische Sagen von de Nord-Pacifischen Küste Amerikas," Franz Boas (1895), p. 169.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Person Discussed
Franz Boas, 1858-1942
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
CH -- Fox
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 2 page(s)
Handwritten notes on two note cards titled "CH [Culture Hero] -- Fox," re: a myth of the Fox [Meskwaki] Indians. A citation is given for "Fox Texts," William Jones, Publications of the American Ethnological Society, Vol. 1, p. 337. In this lengthy story, Wīsa’kä and his younger brother Kīyāpā’tä go out from their…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1935) , 2 page(s)
Handwritten notes on two note cards titled "CH [Culture Hero] -- Fox," re: a myth of the Fox [Meskwaki] Indians. A citation is given for "Fox Texts," William Jones, Publications of the American Ethnological Society, Vol. 1, p. 337. In this lengthy story, Wīsa’kä and his younger brother Kīyāpā’tä go out from their home, killing the manitous. The story is one of preparing the earth for habitation. Also noted: "most sacred myth." Undated.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
The Changing Ideal of Progress
written by Maria Louise Baldwin, 1856-1912, in Margaret Murray Washington Papers, of Tuskegee University. Frissell Library (Margaret Murray Washington Papers, Frissell Library, Tuskegee University) (Tuskegee, AL), in The Southern Workman, Vol. 29, no. 1, January 1900, pp. 15-16 (originally published 1900), 2 page(s)
written by Maria Louise Baldwin, 1856-1912, in Margaret Murray Washington Papers, of Tuskegee University. Frissell Library (Margaret Murray Washington Papers, Frissell Library, Tuskegee University) (Tuskegee, AL), in The Southern Workman, Vol. 29, no. 1, January 1900, pp. 15-16 (originally published 1900), 2 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Periodical article
Author / Creator
Maria Louise Baldwin, 1856-1912
Date Published / Released
Topic / Theme
Intergenerational conflict
Changing Philosophies in Human Relationships
written by Charlotte Hawkins Brown, 1883-1961, in Charlotte Eugenia Hawkins Brown Papers, of Harvard University. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Folder 15, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.) (Cambridge, MA) (1938) , 12 page(s)
written by Charlotte Hawkins Brown, 1883-1961, in Charlotte Eugenia Hawkins Brown Papers, of Harvard University. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Folder 15, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.) (Cambridge, MA) (1938) , 12 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Charlotte Hawkins Brown, 1883-1961
Topic / Theme
Race relations