54,181 results for your search


Wisconsin Women and the Law, 1975
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written by Wisconsin Women's Council (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975, originally published 1975), 86 page(s)
written by Wisconsin Women's Council (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975, originally published 1975), 86 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Wisconsin Women's Council
Date Published / Released
University of Wisconsin Press
Topic / Theme
State and provincial laws, Women's rights, Late 20th Century (1975–2000), 20th Century in World History (1914--2000)
Wisconsin Women: The Second Major Report of the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women
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written by Wisconsin Women's Council (Madison, WI: Wisconsin. Commission on the Status of Women, 1967, originally published 1967), 112 page(s)
written by Wisconsin Women's Council (Madison, WI: Wisconsin. Commission on the Status of Women, 1967, originally published 1967), 112 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Wisconsin Women's Council
Date Published / Released
Wisconsin. Commission on the Status of Women
Topic / Theme
Employment opportunities, Retirement, Government occupations, Late 20th Century (1975–2000), 20th Century in World History (1914--2000)
Front Matter
Back Matter
Age Group by Sex
State Government Employees with Degrees by Sex
State Employees' Salaries Before Deductions, by Sex, Part I
Wishram - AES II
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1930) , 6 page(s)
Handwritten notes on six sheets of lined paper cite numerous sources including: (1) Edward Sapir, 'Wishram Texts' in 'Publications of the American Ethnological Society,' Vol. 2, pp. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: Coyote uses the penis of a man who wears it wrapped around him like a cord. It touches a woman bathing…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 95]: American Indian Mythology Field Notes) (1930) , 6 page(s)
Handwritten notes on six sheets of lined paper cite numerous sources including: (1) Edward Sapir, 'Wishram Texts' in 'Publications of the American Ethnological Society,' Vol. 2, pp. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: Coyote uses the penis of a man who wears it wrapped around him like a cord. It touches a woman bathing. Pickaback coitus (fingers privates). Shaman Coyote pulls out the human penis.

Sapir, pp. 23, 25, 27, 31: Mouthless man sniffs food; Coyote…

Handwritten notes on six sheets of lined paper cite numerous sources including: (1) Edward Sapir, 'Wishram Texts' in 'Publications of the American Ethnological Society,' Vol. 2, pp. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: Coyote uses the penis of a man who wears it wrapped around him like a cord. It touches a woman bathing. Pickaback coitus (fingers privates). Shaman Coyote pulls out the human penis.

Sapir, pp. 23, 25, 27, 31: Mouthless man sniffs food; Coyote cuts him a mouth. Makes man walk upright. Makes man conceive through copulation. Makes fish traps. Coyote tries to lock up his story.

Sapir, pp. 35, 39: Coyote tells At!at!a'lia he must cover her with pitch and burn her. Turns her husband into Owl.

Sapir, pp. 41, 43, 73, 79: Coyote cuts the heart of Merman who was swallowing people. Coyote ties himself to a hill for swallowing contest. Coyote tries to kill his reflection. Man swallows smoke.

Sapir, pp. 101, 103, 105, 109, 111, 113, 115: Coyote gets advice from two sets of own dung. Maiden. Eagle and Coyote (mentions Orpheus and Pandora). Loss of wife. Origins of death.

Sapir, pp. 135: Rabbit won race because Fish Hawk is wet from rain. Mouse cuts his trap.

Sapir, p. 139, 147, 149, 163, 165, 173: Deserted youth left on island, people starve and ask for food, boy drowns them all. Bungling host. Skunk's odor fails. Shaman doctor. Fatal imitation. Vomits with fire and pitch, swallows red-hot rocks. Arrow chain.

(2)Jeremiah Curtin and Edward Sapir, 'Wasco Tales and Myths' in 'Publications of the American Ethnological Society,' Vol. 2, pp. 242, 244, 250: Woman feigns death to marry lover, who digs her from grave. She is discovered by her children in the next village. Arrow motif and wife's deceit.

Curtin and Sapir, pp. 257, 259: G.S. [Guardian Spirit], taunting father causes boy to overstep bounds and kill G.S., divulges on deathbed. Boy brought up by seals, recovered by parents but returns to seals.

Curtin and Sapir, p. 261: Boy deserted by people in abandoned camp is protected by supernatural woman. He drowns the chief when the people return and becomes chief of all the people. Supernatural woman is still G.S. for finding.

Curtin and Sapir, pp. 264, 266, 269, 272: Coyote gets another wife by having Eagle climb onto a rock that rises in the sky. Thunder helps Eagle get down; Eagle tracks Coyote by campfire ashes. Baby lure. Bungling host. Coterie of animals. Rolling rock.

Curtin and Sapir, pp. 275, 280, 282, 285, 289: Children escape Giantess by filling basket with stones. Giantess recovers children by sucking in her breath. Boy hiding from Giantess overcomes her by blackening his face and making her laugh. Gluttonous woman eats the food given to her to take to her parents in another village. She eats all the village. Her sons turn frogs into dancing groups; she joins the dance and her sons escape. Coyote overcomes her by crushing her leg between stones. Nobility and generosity in escape.

Curtin and Sapir, pp. 292, 293, 298, 302, 307, 308, 310: Eagle loses his life gambling. His sons get guardian spirit powers and win back his remains. Locating the guardian spirits of the rocks. Star husband. A man sees his old home and leaves his sky-wife to return on Spider's rope. Boys cut in two - one dies (Sun's children born as Siamese twins). Snakes, frogs, etc. come out of the big belly of Spider's son. Child is sent to old man to hear stories; he tells just a sentence and mother scolds old man five times. Two brothers become Sun and Moon after killing in spite of heat.

(3) Roland B. Dixon, 'Maidu Texts' in 'Publications of the American Ethnological Society,' Vol. 4, pp. 173-183, 189: Frog swallows Sun at eclipse because he stole her grandson; her stomach bursts. Sun-Man makes willow valleys to tempt Frog-Woman. Rolling Skull - after eating himself up 'loses his mind.'

Dixon, p. 197, 209, 203-227, 239: Snake lover - girl who bathes every night. Snake comes to her house and she goes off with him, but her father gives her powers and she destroys Snake. Invitation string. Maidu pattern - Bat very dangerous but after adventures is transformed. Sun kills old father and lays him in a spring; rises as young man.

Notes also cite numerous comparative sources.

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Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Wasco, Wishram, Northeast Maidu
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Witch Punishment
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on Laguna and Hopi witch myths.

Laguna: Arrow Youth sticks her to ceiling. Laguna C 203 cited as variant.

Hopi: becomes 'child-protruding woman' in H.R. Voth, 'Traditions of the Hopi' ('Field Columbian Museum Anthropological Series,' Vol. 8), p. 140.

Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1925) , 1 page(s)
Handwritten notes on Laguna and Hopi witch myths.

Laguna: Arrow Youth sticks her to ceiling. Laguna C 203 cited as variant.

Hopi: becomes 'child-protruding woman' in H.R. Voth, 'Traditions of the Hopi' ('Field Columbian Museum Anthropological Series,' Vol. 8), p. 140.

Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Hopi, Western Keres
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Witch Story
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Witch story" (with "Zuni" and "Bears" also at heading) contain information as related in "Zuñi Tales," Edward L. Handy, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 31, p. 468. This is the story of a jealous mistress putting on a bear disguise in…
Open Access
in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 96]: Serrano Field Trip Notes) (1922) , 1 page(s)
These handwritten, undated research notes on an unlined note card, titled "Witch story" (with "Zuni" and "Bears" also at heading) contain information as related in "Zuñi Tales," Edward L. Handy, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 31, p. 468. This is the story of a jealous mistress putting on a bear disguise in order to kill her lover.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Research notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Witch Wife
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in Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, of Vassar College. Libraries. Archives and Special Collections Library ([Box 85], Folder 1. Zuñi Notes) (1925) , 2 page(s)
Two undated, typewritten half-pages, headed "Witch Wife," contain references from Boas, Gunn, et al. to variations on common myth motifs of condemnation to death by a witch wife, escape and revenge, as told by tribes including the Hopi and Cothiti.
Open Access
Two undated, typewritten half-pages, headed "Witch Wife," contain references from Boas, Gunn, et al. to variations on common myth motifs of condemnation to death by a witch wife, escape and revenge, as told by tribes including the Hopi and Cothiti.
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Content Type
Field notes
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Author / Creator
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948
Topic / Theme
Myths and legends, Cochiti, Southern Tiwa, Western Keres
Copyright Message
Material sourced from the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers, Vassar College. Copyright © 2016 by Mary Catherine Bateson
Witches Fly There
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directed by Linus Mørk; produced by Anders Graver and Linus Mørk (Copenhagen, Capital Region (Denmark): Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 2004), 35 mins
In Zambia witchcraft and healing are accepted as legitimate phenomenons. This film dives into them and introduces the viewers to both sorcerers and former witches while leaving Western scepticism and prejudices out of the equation.
directed by Linus Mørk; produced by Anders Graver and Linus Mørk (Copenhagen, Capital Region (Denmark): Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 2004), 35 mins
In Zambia witchcraft and healing are accepted as legitimate phenomenons. This film dives into them and introduces the viewers to both sorcerers and former witches while leaving Western scepticism and prejudices out of the equation.
Field of Study
Content Type
Anders Graver, Linus Mørk
Author / Creator
Linus Mørk, Anders Graver
Date Published / Released
Danish Broadcasting Corporation
Topic / Theme
Zambian, Healers, Religious beliefs, Tribal and national groups, Healing, Wicca, Ethnography, Zambians
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2011. Used by permission of Danish Broadcasting Corporation.
Acknowledgement of Existence of Spirits and Witches
Differing Views of Reality
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composed by Kevin Purcell (2002) (Wirripang, 2007), 20 page(s)
composed by Kevin Purcell (2002) (Wirripang, 2007), 20 page(s)
Classical Scores Library, Volume I
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Classical Music
Content Type
Author / Creator
Kevin Purcell
Date Published / Released
With All Thy Getting
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written by Nannie Burroughs, 1879-1961, in The Southern Workman, Vol. 56, no. 7, July 1927, pp. 299-301 (originally published 1927), 3 page(s)
written by Nannie Burroughs, 1879-1961, in The Southern Workman, Vol. 56, no. 7, July 1927, pp. 299-301 (originally published 1927), 3 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Periodical article
Author / Creator
Nannie Burroughs, 1879-1961
Date Published / Released
Topic / Theme
Religious beliefs, Women and Religion, Religious Leadership and Religious Activism
With Death on the Pitch
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directed by Adam Tatt and Miki Mistrati, 1968-; produced by Soren Steen Jespersen, Bastard Film (Copenhagen, Capital Region (Denmark): Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 2006), 59 mins
With Death on the Pitch is an investigative documentary that tries to discover why these athletes are dying sudden deaths in disturbing numbers. Indications are that powerful analgesics may be to blame. In the world of professional soccer, it is quite normal for players to fill themselves with powerful…
directed by Adam Tatt and Miki Mistrati, 1968-; produced by Soren Steen Jespersen, Bastard Film (Copenhagen, Capital Region (Denmark): Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 2006), 59 mins
With Death on the Pitch is an investigative documentary that tries to discover why these athletes are dying sudden deaths in disturbing numbers. Indications are that powerful analgesics may be to blame. In the world of professional soccer, it is quite normal for players to fill themselves with powerful painkillers to combat joint pain simply to make it onto the pitch. With Death on the Pitch investigates fatalities in Denmark, Norway and…
With Death on the Pitch is an investigative documentary that tries to discover why these athletes are dying sudden deaths in disturbing numbers. Indications are that powerful analgesics may be to blame. In the world of professional soccer, it is quite normal for players to fill themselves with powerful painkillers to combat joint pain simply to make it onto the pitch. With Death on the Pitch investigates fatalities in Denmark, Norway and Portugal. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Content Type
Soren Steen Jespersen, Bastard Film
Author / Creator
Adam Tatt, Miki Mistrati, 1968-
Date Published / Released
Danish Broadcasting Corporation
Topic / Theme
Drug trafficking, Sports, Soccer, Humanities
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2011. Used by permission of Danish Broadcasting Corporation.