54,192 results for your search


What Is It About a Mountain Top
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written by Thomas A. Parham, 1954-; presented by Thomas A. Parham, 1954- (Alexandria, VA: Microtraining Associates, 2010), 56 mins
This lecture, featuring therapist Thomas A. Parham, is about the imagery and insights produced by contemplating what it is to be on a mountain top.
written by Thomas A. Parham, 1954-; presented by Thomas A. Parham, 1954- (Alexandria, VA: Microtraining Associates, 2010), 56 mins
This lecture, featuring therapist Thomas A. Parham, is about the imagery and insights produced by contemplating what it is to be on a mountain top.
Field of Study
Counseling & Therapy
Content Type
Author / Creator
Thomas A. Parham, 1954-
Date Published / Released
Microtraining Associates
Topic / Theme
Family and relationships, Education, development, and training, Counseling & Therapy, Multiculturalism, African Americans, Religious beliefs, Mentoring, Multicultural counseling
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2010 by Microtraining Associates, Inc.
What is our life?
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composed by Orlando Gibbons, 1583-1625 (1612) (Musical Antiquarian Society Publications, 1848), 7 page(s)
composed by Orlando Gibbons, 1583-1625 (1612) (Musical Antiquarian Society Publications, 1848), 7 page(s)
Classical Scores Library, Volume I
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Classical Music
Content Type
Author / Creator
Orlando Gibbons, 1583-1625
Date Published / Released
Musical Antiquarian Society Publications
What is the Economic Relevance of Human Indecisiveness?
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(Hamburg, Hamburg State: Latest Thinking, 2018), 13 mins
When faced with difficult decisions, people often demonstrate a preference for randomization, for the toss of a coin for example. In this video, GEORG H. WEIZSÄCKER explains that economic decision theory struggles to accommodate this phenomenon and he explores its consequences, focusing on the German university…
Open Access
(Hamburg, Hamburg State: Latest Thinking, 2018), 13 mins
When faced with difficult decisions, people often demonstrate a preference for randomization, for the toss of a coin for example. In this video, GEORG H. WEIZSÄCKER explains that economic decision theory struggles to accommodate this phenomenon and he explores its consequences, focusing on the German university application system. Weizsäcker finds that, for significant numbers of applicants, the propensity to avoid decisions regarding their…
When faced with difficult decisions, people often demonstrate a preference for randomization, for the toss of a coin for example. In this video, GEORG H. WEIZSÄCKER explains that economic decision theory struggles to accommodate this phenomenon and he explores its consequences, focusing on the German university application system. Weizsäcker finds that, for significant numbers of applicants, the propensity to avoid decisions regarding their preferred university course has potentially detrimental effects. The research provides important insight not only into the consequences of indecisiveness in the system analyzed but also for decision making more broadly e.g. by consumers, in business organizations and in the medical sphere. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Business & Economics
Content Type
Instructional material
Date Published / Released
Latest Thinking
Speaker / Narrator
Georg Weizsacker, 1973-
Person Discussed
Georg Weizsacker, 1973-
Topic / Theme
Economics, Decision making
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2018 Latest Thinking
What is the Fundamental Microscopic Structure of Space-Time in our Universe?
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(Germany: Latest Thinking, 2018), 14 mins
What are the building blocks of our universe that everything is made of? In this video, ASTRID EICHHORN explains how her work seeks to reveal the fundamental microscopic structure of space-time. While recent pioneering experiments have confirmed aspects of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, this work seeks…
Open Access
(Germany: Latest Thinking, 2018), 14 mins
What are the building blocks of our universe that everything is made of? In this video, ASTRID EICHHORN explains how her work seeks to reveal the fundamental microscopic structure of space-time. While recent pioneering experiments have confirmed aspects of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, this work seeks to overcome the limitations of current observational technology through theoretical investigations of the relationships between quantum…
What are the building blocks of our universe that everything is made of? In this video, ASTRID EICHHORN explains how her work seeks to reveal the fundamental microscopic structure of space-time. While recent pioneering experiments have confirmed aspects of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, this work seeks to overcome the limitations of current observational technology through theoretical investigations of the relationships between quantum space-time, quantum gravity and matter. With undoubted implications for our understanding of Dark Matter and the Standard Model of particle physics, the real-world applications of this kind of foundational research can have profound effects on all of our lives. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Content Type
Instructional material
Date Published / Released
Latest Thinking
Speaker / Narrator
Astrid Eichhorn, fl. 2019
Person Discussed
Astrid Eichhorn, fl. 2019
Topic / Theme
Scientific research, Universe, Physics, Space
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2018 Latest Thinking
What is the Importance of Context in Entrepreneurship Research?
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produced by Latest Thinking (Hamburg, Hamburg State: Latest Thinking, 2018), 11 mins
Fieldwork has demonstrated that entrepreneurial behavior and economic theory do not work in the same ways in different national, cultural or regulatory contexts. In this video, FRIEDERIKE WELTER analyzes the importance of context in entrepreneurship research. Developing an interdisciplinary approach that draws on…
Open Access
produced by Latest Thinking (Hamburg, Hamburg State: Latest Thinking, 2018), 11 mins
Fieldwork has demonstrated that entrepreneurial behavior and economic theory do not work in the same ways in different national, cultural or regulatory contexts. In this video, FRIEDERIKE WELTER analyzes the importance of context in entrepreneurship research. Developing an interdisciplinary approach that draws on insights from philosophy, anthropology, ethnology, and linguistics, Welter examines how contextual issues have been addressed in these…
Fieldwork has demonstrated that entrepreneurial behavior and economic theory do not work in the same ways in different national, cultural or regulatory contexts. In this video, FRIEDERIKE WELTER analyzes the importance of context in entrepreneurship research. Developing an interdisciplinary approach that draws on insights from philosophy, anthropology, ethnology, and linguistics, Welter examines how contextual issues have been addressed in these fields. With relevance for entrepreneurship education and research as well as for policymakers, Welter’s work highlights the importance of developing a process view of how entrepreneurship is contextualized. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Business & Economics
Content Type
Instructional material
Friederike Welter, fl. 2011, Latest Thinking
Date Published / Released
Latest Thinking
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2018 Latest Thinking
What of Tomorrow?
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written by Mary Fitzbutler Waring, 1869-1958, in National Association Notes, Vol. 37, no. 3, February 1935, p. 5 (originally published 1935), 1 page(s)
written by Mary Fitzbutler Waring, 1869-1958, in National Association Notes, Vol. 37, no. 3, February 1935, p. 5 (originally published 1935), 1 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Periodical article
Author / Creator
Mary Fitzbutler Waring, 1869-1958
Date Published / Released
Topic / Theme
Segregation, Lynching, Civil rights, Women of Color, Race Discrimination
What One Woman Has Done for the Young Girls of Florida
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written by Frances Reynolds Keyser, 1862-1932, in Competitor, Vol. 1, 1920, pp. 55-57, Reprinted by Negro Universities Press, 1969. Accessible at https://babel.hathitrust.org. (Competitor, 1920), 2 page(s)
written by Frances Reynolds Keyser, 1862-1932, in Competitor, Vol. 1, 1920, pp. 55-57, Reprinted by Negro Universities Press, 1969. Accessible at https://babel.hathitrust.org. (Competitor, 1920), 2 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Periodical article
Author / Creator
Frances Reynolds Keyser, 1862-1932
Date Published / Released
Person Discussed
Mary McLeod Bethune, 1875-1955
Topic / Theme
Educational opportunities, Schools, Education administrators, Women and Education, Access to Primary Education/Literacy
What Our Women Are Doing "Tomorrow"
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written by Grace Lucas-Thompson, 1872-, in Dallas Express, June 26, 1920, p. 11 (1920), 1 page(s)
written by Grace Lucas-Thompson, 1872-, in Dallas Express, June 26, 1920, p. 11 (1920), 1 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Periodical article
Author / Creator
Grace Lucas-Thompson, 1872-
Date Published / Released
1920-06-26, 1920
Topic / Theme
Public health, Children, Women and Sexuality, Birth Control, and Health, Primary Health Care
What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael
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directed by Rob Garver, fl. 2018; produced by Glen Zipper, 1974- and Rob Garver, fl. 2018, Juno Films; performed by Mike Pollock, 1965-, Jackie Netis, fl. 2008, Sarah Jessica Parker, 1965- and Pauline Kael, 1919-2001 (New York, NY: Juno Films, 2019), 1 hour 39 mins
Tagged by Roger Ebert as the most influential film critic of the late twentieth century, the film tells the story of Pauline’s turbulent life and work, through never-seen archival footage, her published writing and personal letters, and interviews with both friends and foes of her pen. Pauline is voiced by Sarah…
directed by Rob Garver, fl. 2018; produced by Glen Zipper, 1974- and Rob Garver, fl. 2018, Juno Films; performed by Mike Pollock, 1965-, Jackie Netis, fl. 2008, Sarah Jessica Parker, 1965- and Pauline Kael, 1919-2001 (New York, NY: Juno Films, 2019), 1 hour 39 mins
Tagged by Roger Ebert as the most influential film critic of the late twentieth century, the film tells the story of Pauline’s turbulent life and work, through never-seen archival footage, her published writing and personal letters, and interviews with both friends and foes of her pen. Pauline is voiced by Sarah Jessica Parker, and participants include Quentin Tarantino, Camille Paglia, David O. Russell, Molly Haskell, Francis Ford Coppola, and…
Tagged by Roger Ebert as the most influential film critic of the late twentieth century, the film tells the story of Pauline’s turbulent life and work, through never-seen archival footage, her published writing and personal letters, and interviews with both friends and foes of her pen. Pauline is voiced by Sarah Jessica Parker, and participants include Quentin Tarantino, Camille Paglia, David O. Russell, Molly Haskell, Francis Ford Coppola, and daughter Gina James. Pauline Kael (1919-2001) was likely the most powerful, and personal, movie critic of the 20th century. Writing for The New Yorker and publishing a dozen best-selling books, she ruthlessly pursued what made a movie or an actor’s performance work, or not, and why. Her passion made her both admired and despised amongst her readers and her subjects. Pauline’s own story is one of struggle and obsession: the fight to establish her voice and have it heard, and to raise a daughter on her own in a time when the obstacles were high. The latter golden age of movies of the 1960s and 1970s are the focus of this film that pursues the question of what made Pauline Kael’s work so individual, so controversial — and so damned good. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Content Type
Performer / Ensemble
Mike Pollock, 1965-, Jackie Netis, fl. 2008, Sarah Jessica Parker, 1965-, Pauline Kael, 1919-2001
Vince Ellis, fl. 1998, Glen Zipper, 1974-, Rob Garver, fl. 2018, Juno Films
Author / Creator
Rob Garver, fl. 2018, Mike Pollock, 1965-, Jackie Netis, fl. 2008, Sarah Jessica Parker, 1965-, Pauline Kael, 1919-2001
Date Published / Released
Juno Films
Person Discussed
Pauline Kael, 1919-2001
Topic / Theme
Film criticism, Herself 1, Pauline Kael (1919-2001), Jessica Lange (1949- ), Gregory Peck
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2019 Juno Films
What the Negro Woman Asks of the White Women of North Carolina
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written by Charlotte Hawkins Brown, 1883-1961, in Charlotte Eugenia Hawkins Brown Papers, of Harvard University. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Folder 14, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. On Microfilm: reel 1, frames 365-66.) (Cambridge, MA) (1920) , 2 page(s)
written by Charlotte Hawkins Brown, 1883-1961, in Charlotte Eugenia Hawkins Brown Papers, of Harvard University. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Folder 14, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. On Microfilm: reel 1, frames 365-66.) (Cambridge, MA) (1920) , 2 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Charlotte Hawkins Brown, 1883-1961
Topic / Theme
Race relations, Social Reform and Political Activism, Multi-Ethnic Participation in Social Movements