54,192 results for your search


What the Study of Legislative Work Has Meant to Our Group
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written by Hettie B. Tilghman, 1871-1933, in National Notes, November 1925, p. 3 (1925), 1 page(s)
written by Hettie B. Tilghman, 1871-1933, in National Notes, November 1925, p. 3 (1925), 1 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Periodical article
Author / Creator
Hettie B. Tilghman, 1871-1933
Date Published / Released
1925-11, 1925
Topic / Theme
Laws and legislation, Suffragism, Political and Human Rights, Suffrage
What We Talk About When We Talk About COVID-19, COVID-19
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in What We Talk About When We Talk About COVID-19 (Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, 2020), 8 mins
Discusses the animal origins of COVID-19 and the spread of the virus through human to human transmission. Explains the symptoms and contagiousness of the virus as well as its impact on human health and society in general.
Open Access
in What We Talk About When We Talk About COVID-19 (Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, 2020), 8 mins
Discusses the animal origins of COVID-19 and the spread of the virus through human to human transmission. Explains the symptoms and contagiousness of the virus as well as its impact on human health and society in general.
Field of Study
Health Policy
Content Type
Instructional material
Date Published / Released
What We Talk About When We Talk About COVID-19
Topic / Theme
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2020 ProQuest
What were the Origins of International Women's Day, 1886-1920?
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written by Kathryn Kish Sklar, 1939- and Lauren Kryzak, fl. 2000 (Binghamton, NY: State University of New York, Binghamton, 2000, originally published 2000), 65 page(s),
Source: documents.alexanderstreet.com
Open Access
written by Kathryn Kish Sklar, 1939- and Lauren Kryzak, fl. 2000 (Binghamton, NY: State University of New York, Binghamton, 2000, originally published 2000), 65 page(s),
Source: documents.alexanderstreet.com
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Document project
Author / Creator
Kathryn Kish Sklar, 1939-, Lauren Kryzak, fl. 2000
Date Published / Released
State University of New York, Binghamton
Topic / Theme
Wage gap, Political demonstrations, The Gilded Age & Progressive Era (1876–1913), World War I & Jazz Age (1914–1928), Industrialization and Western Global Hegemony (1750–1914), 20th Century in World History (1914--2000)
Document List
Document 1: "A Mild Mannered Crowd," 2 May 1886
Document 2: "Western Labor Parades," 2 May 1886
Document 3: "May Day Safely Passed," 2 May 1890
What Will Future California Women Be Like?
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written by California. Commission on the Status of Women (Sacramento, CA: California. Commission on the Status of Women, 1969, originally published 1969), 2 page(s)
written by California. Commission on the Status of Women (Sacramento, CA: California. Commission on the Status of Women, 1969, originally published 1969), 2 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
California. Commission on the Status of Women
Date Published / Released
California. Commission on the Status of Women
Topic / Theme
Women's rights, Late 20th Century (1975–2000), 20th Century in World History (1914--2000)
What Works in Schools
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directed by Gerardine Wurzburg, fl. 1986-2014; produced by Marcia D'Arcangelo, 1945-, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003), 1 hour 23 mins
Educational Consultant: Robert J. Marzano This DVD is the fastest, most effective way to get everyone in your school focused on the research-based factors that are most apt to improve student achievement.Applying the concepts from ASCD's book What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action, three programs…
directed by Gerardine Wurzburg, fl. 1986-2014; produced by Marcia D'Arcangelo, 1945-, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003), 1 hour 23 mins
Educational Consultant: Robert J. Marzano This DVD is the fastest, most effective way to get everyone in your school focused on the research-based factors that are most apt to improve student achievement.Applying the concepts from ASCD's book What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action, three programs and a comprehensive Facilitator’s Guide explain and illustrate each of the three categories of factors that research proves affect…
Educational Consultant: Robert J. Marzano This DVD is the fastest, most effective way to get everyone in your school focused on the research-based factors that are most apt to improve student achievement.Applying the concepts from ASCD's book What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action, three programs and a comprehensive Facilitator’s Guide explain and illustrate each of the three categories of factors that research proves affect student achievement. Classroom scenes and interviews with educators provide concrete examples of the factors that will spark schoolwide discussions about how to improve student achievement. Plus, author and researcher Robert J. Marzano explains how to use the research-based model to identify your school's strengths and weaknesses, prioritize your options, and implement a clear plan for improvement. Use Program 1, School Factors, to introduce your school to the five school-level factors that contribute to student achievement. Hear Robert Marzano explain why the five factors are crucial to student achievement and how schools can develop a plan for incremental reform without adding new resources. Scenes from elementary, middle, and high school classrooms and faculty meetings show how educators use the research-based model to guide every step of their school improvement plan. Program 2, Teacher Factors, explores how individual teachers can have a major impact on student achievement. Marzano explains the three teacher-level factors that have the potential to improve student achievement. In classroom scenes from a variety of schools, explore how teachers can determine much of the success of their students by how they decide to interpret state learning goals, develop curriculum, and manage the classroom environment. Then use Program 3, Student Factors, to put the spotlight on the characteristics of your student population that most influence achievement. Interviews with educators and parents paint a vivid picture of what schools can do to ensure that home environment and students’ learned intelligence and motivation are supporting higher achievement. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Content Type
Instructional material
Marcia D'Arcangelo, 1945-, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Author / Creator
Gerardine Wurzburg, fl. 1986-2014
Date Published / Released
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Topic / Theme
Student Assessment, Classroom Management, Educational Research, Leadership, Primary, Middle, Secondary
Copyright Message
© 2003 by ASCD. All Rights Reserved.
What you will
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edited by Oleg Timofeyev, 1963-; composed by Thomas Ford (1607) (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, Inc., 1998), 3 page(s)
edited by Oleg Timofeyev, 1963-; composed by Thomas Ford (1607) (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, Inc., 1998), 3 page(s)
Classical Scores Library, Volume I
Date Written / Recorded
Field of Study
Classical Music
Content Type
Oleg Timofeyev, 1963-
Author / Creator
Thomas Ford
Date Published / Released
A-R Editions, Inc.
What's Ailing Medicine?: With Walter Cronkite
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directed by Roger Weisberg; produced by Roger Weisberg, Public Policy Productions (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1994), 1 hour 8 mins
What's Ailing Medicine examines the shortcomings of medical care in America and the prospects for finding a cures as the nation debates a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform our health care system. How can we provide health care for the 37 million Americans who currently lack insurance? How can we provide…
directed by Roger Weisberg; produced by Roger Weisberg, Public Policy Productions (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1994), 1 hour 8 mins
What's Ailing Medicine examines the shortcomings of medical care in America and the prospects for finding a cures as the nation debates a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform our health care system. How can we provide health care for the 37 million Americans who currently lack insurance? How can we provide peace of mind for 50 million Americans whose insurance is so inadequate that a serious illness would cause financial ruin? With medical…
What's Ailing Medicine examines the shortcomings of medical care in America and the prospects for finding a cures as the nation debates a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform our health care system. How can we provide health care for the 37 million Americans who currently lack insurance? How can we provide peace of mind for 50 million Americans whose insurance is so inadequate that a serious illness would cause financial ruin? With medical expenses rising at twice the rate of inflation, how can soaring costs be controlled? This program presents the human side of these complex and controversial dilemmas by considering the perspectives of the three major players in the health care debate - patients, providers, and payers. The first of What's Ailing Medicine's three segments deals with the plight of the uninsured. In the second segment, the film examines the vulnerability of several "underinsured" patients who experience a financial calamity along with a catastrophic illness. The final segment investigates the wasteful and sometimes dangerous overuse of medical procedures such as cardiac catheterization and coronary artery bypass surgery. After the patients, their families, doctors, employers, and insurers present their frustrations with our health care system, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Robert Dole respond to the documentary's personal profiles in order to illuminate the potential impact of health care reform. In addition, Harvard University health policy expert Robert Blendon, who has done extensive opinion polling on American attitudes about health care, gives voice to the priorities and concerns of the public. As Walter Cronkite concludes, with Americans overwhelmingly in favor of health care reform, "the time finally is at hand to prescribe a cure for what's ailing medicine." College Adult Show more Show less
Field of Study
Health Policy
Content Type
Roger Weisberg, Public Policy Productions
Author / Creator
Roger Weisberg
Date Published / Released
Filmakers Library
Topic / Theme
Health, Medical treatments and procedures
Copyright Message
Copyright © 1994. Used by permission of Filmakers Library. All rights reserved.
What's in it for You? How to Find a Job
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written by Nebraska. Commission on the Status of Women (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska. Commission on the Status of Women, 1977), 29 page(s)
written by Nebraska. Commission on the Status of Women (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska. Commission on the Status of Women, 1977), 29 page(s)
Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000
Field of Study
Women and Social Movements
Content Type
Author / Creator
Nebraska. Commission on the Status of Women
Date Published / Released
Nebraska. Commission on the Status of Women
Topic / Theme
Employment opportunities, Job hunting, Occupations, Late 20th Century (1975–2000), 20th Century in World History (1914--2000)
III: Self-Evaluation
IV: Career Planning
V: Job Hunting
VI: Resume Writing
VII: The Cover Letter
What's New in the Food Industry?
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written by Jenna A. Bell, IDEA Health & Fitness Association; presented by Jenna A. Bell; produced by Healthy Learning (Monterey, CA: Healthy Learning, 2010), 1 hour 22 mins
Whether it’s driven by consumer interest or national guidelines, the food industry is continuously evolving. Products and brands emerge with better-for-you messages and labels on their packages. What’s New in the Food Industry takes a look at the current trends in the food industry, discusses the science that may…
written by Jenna A. Bell, IDEA Health & Fitness Association; presented by Jenna A. Bell; produced by Healthy Learning (Monterey, CA: Healthy Learning, 2010), 1 hour 22 mins
Whether it’s driven by consumer interest or national guidelines, the food industry is continuously evolving. Products and brands emerge with better-for-you messages and labels on their packages. What’s New in the Food Industry takes a look at the current trends in the food industry, discusses the science that may be driving their promotion, and explains how they may (or may not) fit into a healthy diet.
Field of Study
Sports Medicine & Exercise Science
Content Type
Healthy Learning
Author / Creator
Jenna A. Bell, IDEA Health & Fitness Association
Date Published / Released
Healthy Learning
Topic / Theme
Food industry, Marketing and advertising, Fitness professionals, Nutrition, Diet
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2010 by Healthy Learning
Simple Foods
Sodium Reduction
Relaxation Foods
Carbon Footprint
Social Networking
When All The Leaves Are Gone
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directed by Alanis Obomsawin, 1932-; produced by Alanis Obomsawin, 1932-, National Film Board of Canada (Montreal, QC: National Film Board of Canada, 2010), 17 mins
As the only First Nations student in an all-white 1940s school, eight-year old Wato is keenly aware of the hostility towards her. She deeply misses the loving environment of the reserve she once called home, and her isolation is sharpened by her father’s serious illness. When Wato’s teacher reads from a history…
directed by Alanis Obomsawin, 1932-; produced by Alanis Obomsawin, 1932-, National Film Board of Canada (Montreal, QC: National Film Board of Canada, 2010), 17 mins
As the only First Nations student in an all-white 1940s school, eight-year old Wato is keenly aware of the hostility towards her. She deeply misses the loving environment of the reserve she once called home, and her isolation is sharpened by her father’s serious illness. When Wato’s teacher reads from a history book describing First Nations peoples as ignorant and cruel, it aggravates her classmates’ prejudice. Shy and vulnerable Wato becomes…
As the only First Nations student in an all-white 1940s school, eight-year old Wato is keenly aware of the hostility towards her. She deeply misses the loving environment of the reserve she once called home, and her isolation is sharpened by her father’s serious illness. When Wato’s teacher reads from a history book describing First Nations peoples as ignorant and cruel, it aggravates her classmates’ prejudice. Shy and vulnerable Wato becomes the target of their bullying and abuse. Alone in her suffering, she finds solace and strength in the protective world of her magical dreams. Show more Show less
Field of Study
Content Type
Alanis Obomsawin, 1932-, National Film Board of Canada
Author / Creator
Alanis Obomsawin, 1932-
Date Published / Released
National Film Board of Canada
Topic / Theme
Canadian people, Schools, American Indian relocation, American Indian communities, Abenaki
Copyright Message
Copyright © 2010 by National Film Board of Canada